Button/menu to go back to the last viewed page
Hi.when i tap on a figure link in the paper, the app shows the mentioned figure( It could be some pages earlier or later). it takes too long to find original page.
Plz make a bottom to return back to original page.
Thanks for your vvvvery usefull app

Mysterious Marx commented
This would be so helpful. I use the app most when looking at D&D or similar games books. The book will be hyperlinked so I can tap on a monster to see it’s stat block… and then I have to remember what page I was on to get back. It’s very annoying. Adding a back or previous page button would be so nice.
Fernando Zaragoza commented
Agree! This will be indeed very helpful when jumping to figures or formulas and returning where you were!
Amin dehdashtian commented
Yes that exactly what i meanThank you🌹