Fill & Sign: Does Adobe Acrobat Reader support Hebrew and Arabic?
When I used the fill and sign feature in my iPhone in Hebrew, it didn’t work, could you please help? How can I fix that?

מענדי מרנץ commented
It’s already 2022 and still we wait for simple support as Hebrew type…
Yoni Geller commented
Is there an ETD for R2L language support?
Dmitry Toder commented
Enter to fill and sign
Chose input text
Write in Hebrew
Touch aside a text - oops it disappears -
AdminAparna Khan (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Sabreen, Sorry for the inconvenience, we currently don't support Fill and Sign on right to left scripts. Thank you!
AdminRishi Oberoi (Admin, Adobe) commented
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for reporting the problem. We are aware of this issue and the team is looking into it.Thanks.
Ilan commented
On the iPad 2018 it is impossible to use the “fill in sign and sign” feature in Hebrew. The words written in Hebrew instantly disappear after being written.
My iPad has the latest updates of both iOS and Adobe.Thanks,