Purchase successful. Activating feature. Please wait
I have paid $9.99 for the ability to combine 2 pdf files. It says purchase successful activating feature please wait. I have been waiting for over an hour now. How long should this possibly take?

Anonymous commented
Getting this error since 9 this morning after paying €10.99. When does it work
Pili Dickerson commented
I am on an iPhone 7 Plus 13.3.1. Up to a week ago when I was running the trial there was no issue. I have since purchased a monthly subscription when I try to restore it says “no purchases restored” and when I press try now the “Purchase Successful. Waiting for Feature Activation” loop. When I press “manage subscription” I am brought to my $9.99 monthly sub info. I’ve logged out of the app and I’ve deleted and reinstalled. What should I do
Jackson Huard commented
Still messed up what a **** program
Marie commented
I’m having the same issue but on my iPhone X I’ve waited over 10 hours and padlock is still on I’m fuming I’ve paid good money
Would you please try the following steps to restore purchase(s)?
1. Tap Home in the bottom tab bar.
2. Tap the profile icon (the second icon from the right) in the top bar.
3. Tap “Plans & Products”.
4. Tap "Restore Purchases".Please see the attached screenshot and let us know if it works for you.
Thank you.
Rana commented
app not working. getting a note saying "purchase complete, waiting for feature activation"