138 results found
Failure to print a .pdf document
This document can't be printed successfully on my Windows 10 PC. It stalls partway through preparing to print, and then after several minutes reports a print failure.
1 vote -
I am currently paying $16.23 a month and have no access to adobe acrobat pro
Every time I try to log into adobe pro it keeps telling me that my trial period is over and that I need to install it. Please advise on how to fix this issue asap.
R/ Unjel Harris
1 vote -
Arrow ignores pre set color
The arrow ignores the pre set color and is always placed red. You have to place an arrow and go into settings every time to change the color from red to f.e. black.
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Free Form Highlighter - Straight Line Option
When highlighting scanned documents, would be very helpful to have a key stroke option to force the tool to highlight a straight line. Acrobat will currently do this automatically for short/very straight segments. Please consider adding option to hold down a key (e.g., shift, ctrl, etc.) while using the tool to force a straight line rather than truly free form - which can be very messy and unprofessional in appearance depending on the context.
10 votes -
Comment with jpg sticky note with caption & Auto save without cloud
First of all I want to thank all of you guys you are doing a great job.
second, I know that we can attach a jpg file ,but you will have to leave the reader and open it and when you send it to others it won't open and I know that we can edit pdf to add images ,but sometimes there is no enough space in the page and its so hard to readjust the pdf so it looks normal again, so if we could to comment with a sticky note but we can add in that sticky note…
1 vote -
3 votes
Windows Surface with Pen
I like the annotation experience on the ipad using the apple pencil. However when I try the same experience on the Surface using the Microsoft pen it is harder to use. For one, trying to navigate with your finger to scroll through the pages results in lines being drawn. I think it would be helpful to turn drawing off unless it is being used with the pen. Another thing. there is a button for the ipad to turn annotating on on the bottom right hand corner. On the surface there is not. It is easier to remove the lines on…
1 vote -
Allow selection of multiple comment elements by dragging with the mouse
Similar to Explorer, allow dragging an area as a selection box for comment elements. Selecting multiple elements is only possible by holding CTRL and left clicking, which can get time consuming if you have a bigger number of comments on your documents.
2 votes -
Colour-coding in the comments panel
Acrobat Reader allows to highlight text and then enter comments to the highlighted text into the separate panel on the right of the text. I use this feature a lot, when reviewing papers. It would be very handy for me if the comments in the right panel were somehow marked with the same colour as the highlighting in the text. Such feature would allow me easily navigate between the comments later, when making a summary: e.g. first selecting green comments, then red comments etc.
2 votes -
My name is Manu Tarí and I am getting in touch with you because we have a serious problem with Acrobat Reader
We are a designer studio from Alicante, Spain and we have created interactive catalogs in InDesign with videos, sound clips and buttons that have to play movies and in InDesign they work correctly but when exporting the catalog as interactive PDF and opening it in Acrobat Reader they do not work . A month ago the catalogs worked correctly in Acrobat Reader, you could click on a button and it played the video or sound, now not, and…
1 vote -
Show commenting tools in full screen mode or at least allow to move all menus and panes to sides.
I need to see 2 full pages (A4) up on full screen and still be able to do commenting. Standard 16:9 screen has enough space for that. Just allow to move all menus and panes to either left or right side of the screen.
3 votes -
Use alt / ctrl keys to force freehand marker instead of cursor-based highlighter
When the default Highlight text tool (marker icon) is applied on document with inconsistent text (either poorly generated text scattered across page, math formulae etc.) the highlighted area does not look good or even does not make sense. Of course, I can manually click&switch to Drawing tool (pencil icon) and mark that area by hand but it can be set to other color, thickness, and opacity. I wish I could switch between these tools using ALT, CTRL of SHIFT keys for rapid commenting (while keeping the same color, thickness and opacity - ust like if the Highlight text tool is…
3 votes -
Too many comments (of any type) create lag
I am studying a pdf and when I have arrived at almost 2000 comments adobe started not working well. For example after having underlined a word Adobe block for a few seconds and then restarts. I trid checking for uploads and restoring the version but nothing.
3 votes -
1 vote
I bought a computer ,I pay to use the internet . I can't read a news item without paying .
The computer is useless as it's xp. I get advertising all the time. I will soon have to pay to see the screen . billionaires squeeze you dry. How much more do these big companies want. Why don't they REDUCE THEIR PRICES. instead of giving billions to charity.
WHAT ABOUT us. ? Oh of course you're too busy isolating on your Abu Darbi island.1 vote -
if you add to option to convert pdf to ebook then it would be great for the readers
the student like me prefer reading books rather than a pdf , so if you can add the feature then it would be helpful
1 vote -
Alphabetical sorting of the Comments field
The comments field allows for sorting but it doesn’t have alphabetical sorting.
2 votes -
Allow ctrl+backspace in comments/text function
It sounds trivial, but for (probably!) millions of students, we often take notes in lectures by typing directly on the slide. Unfortunately, you can't quickly remove wrong typing by hitting control+backspace, which, if you're keeping up with a lecture, is a right pain. I'm a fast typist, but even I struggle to keep up when I have to repeatedly hit backspace to remove things, letter by letter. Often, keeping up with a lecture requires the removal of several words as lecturers often substantially rephrase what they've just said - it's not many words when you're speaking, but it is when…
1 vote -
Сделать его проще, нечего платить тем кто добавляет новые функции , они усложняют пользование
Сделать его проще, нечего платить тем кто добавляет новые функции , они усложняют пользование
1 vote -
When saving PDFs show "save to previous location"
When using 'Save As' for PDF's = previous versions of Adobe defaulted to the last save location, now it defaults to the main library every time and I have to do multiple "clicks" to save it to the file or folder that I want. If I am saving multiple pdf's to the same location at one time - this would save time. I don't want to 'pin' folder, as I may save to a different folder for another group of PDFs.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?