314 results found
Specify Zoom level
Would like the ability to specify zoom to a tenth of a percent, as I can on desktop (e.g., 30.5%).
Many of us who sew now use projector files for cutting patterns rather than tediously cutting out paper patterns. Being able to calibrate and project at a specific zoom level is essential to cutting accurate pattern pieces. While I can connect my phone to my projector, there is currently no PDF viewer that will allow me to zoom exactly as needed from a mobile device.
11 votes -
Remove “Crete pdf” link from bottom of page
Please remove the create pdf link from the bottom of the page of a word document opened in Acrobat, as you continuously hit on it when scrolling on an iPad, and the pop up does not even disappear if you touch outside it, you need to click on X. In any case, why have n entire bar at the bottom? Put a button somewhere! VERY FRUSTRATING!!! Thank you!
2 votes -
App Lock
Locking the app as it has access to 3rd party apps ie Dropbox, one drive, etc that can access pdf files.
6 votes -
2 votes -
Please Add Advanced Search to Mobile APP
Please expand advanced search to mobile apps.
Some of the amazing features in acrobat pro not being available on mobile render it useless in certain applications on mobile use without the ability to search comments etc. PLEASE ADD!
2 votes -
Zoom setting via <pinch to zoom> should be a sticky setting.
Zoom setting via <pinch to zoom> should be a sticky setting that holds over from one use to the next use of the same document. <Keep screen on> setting as well.
3 votes -
Make possible to translate after text highlight
Make possible to translate after text highlight.
Even share doesn't work on the iPad version.translate is important and basic feature in modern viewer!
2 votes -
I can't change the direction of the spread for iOS version
It is good to be able to make a spread, but it is very difficult to see when browsing books because the direction of the spread cannot be changed.
25 votes -
Disable Liquid Mode Prompt
Liquid mode is terrible for the work in which I use Acrobat Pro, and it is infuriating that every time I open a document in Adobe iOS it prompts me asking to use Liquid Mode. I just want to save my preferences so I don’t have to say “no” every time I import or open a new document.
Please provide a way to disable the prompt so I never hav to use liquid mode unless for some reason I feel the need to do so far in the future.
8 votes -
Password reset for protected files
Password reset for protected PDFs
52 votes -
Showing clock on iOS while reading on full screen
I love reading books while commuting to work and when I don’t use kindle I use adobe reader on my iPhone. One feature I am missing from kindle though is the ability to check what time is it (with adobe I have to close the app, check the clock and then reopen it again to keep reading). With kindle it is configurable feature, where the system time is displayed on top of screen or not, depending on the configuration. I hope it is not something which would be hard to do but it would make the reading experience so…
8 votes -
Access to dictionary
I think there should be a way to access dictionary when we select a word, would be much more convenient.
5 votes -
Translate option needed for words or sentences
Translate option needed when reviewing documents in other languages or in English, need to get immediate meanings for words or sentences or paragraphs. You can review this option in kindle app
4 votes -
Accessing alt-text
You really should be able to read alt text on a mobile device. That is a major accessibility flaw in Acrobat. If publishers have some obligation to include this content to assist visually-impaired readers, shouldn’t the #1 pdf reader in the world be able to process this data on a mobile device?
2 votes -
Multiple tab for simultaneous document opening.
Allow tab type opening of multiple PDF documents on ipad iphone.
Working with multiple documents becomes easier.
Feature is available for windows.27 votes -
Retrace viewing history
In essence, this is to replicate something found in the desktop app. From the online documentation:
“Retrace your viewing path
You can find PDF pages that you viewed earlier by retracing your viewing path. It’s helpful to understand the difference between previous and next pages and previous and next views.
Previous and next pages refer to two adjacent pages, before and after the currently active page.
Previous and next view refer to your viewing history. For example, if you jump forward and backward in a document, your viewing history retraces those steps, showing you the pages you viewed in the…24 votes -
How to remove PDF password easily with PDF unlocker?
Removing passwords from PDF files is not an easy task. But MacSonik PDF Unlocker Tool simplifies the unlocking process of PDF files. It can easily and quickly remove passwords from single/multiple PDF files without any data alteration. PDF Unlocker Tool allows unlocking encrypted PDF data by removing the various security restrictions from PDF files. It enables the users to save the PDF attachments in a separate folder and provides an option to edit PDF Metadata like Author Name, Title, Keyword, etc.
More info:- https://www.macsonik.com/pdf-unlocker/
4 votesSpam
How to Convert PDF into DOC file with attachments?
It is quite difficult to convert bulk PDF files into DOC with attachments. Many professionals and experts suggest using an automated PDF Converter Tool that easily converts bulk PDF files into DOC. It can risk-free and efficiently convert single/multiple PDFs into DOC, PST, MBOX, EML, TXT, EML, MSG, and many other file formats. PDF Converter Tool preservers original folder hierarchy and high data security throughout the conversion process. Users can preview the files and provide the custom folder name of the resultant file. It also allows the users to save email attachments in a separate folder without any hassle.
9 votes -
Allow me to use Microsoft with my personal account.
Office family works for home. Microsoft with acrobat only works with a job account. I’m no longer working at my former organization but need my stuff there. It would be good if I could connect using acrobat on my Microsoft personal account, now the music is not available.
8 votes -
page number slider (displayed at the foot)
The “page number” slider should be removed or displayed on the right/left side of the screen, since it is noticeably unpleasant in appearance and interrupts writing some comments with stylus pen at the foot of a page.
6 votes
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