1763 results found
Comments disappear on PDF when I send in email
I have to fill out PDF forms for work multiple times a day. But when I send them in an email the recipient can't see any of the comments or signatures. When I pull it up on my iPhone or iPad it shows the comments and signature I entered. I have been doing the same process for over a year and just recently ran into this issue. It's really frustrating because I can't get paid unless these forms are sent correctly.
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see more options & instructions on converting saving sharing on in the wording this to be will be more precise
on the menus more direct options or available options even including installation and downloading of all of the adobe apps like scanning app or signing app software for example on the standard acrobat reader software Anything to accomplish the customers goal
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I am trying to get into a pdf but is asking for a password and is not letting me in
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Hi, sorry aber bitte die Ordner wieder in blau wie früher, da sie dann bedeutend besser sichtbar sind. Ansonsten alles topp. Danke
Meine obige Bitte resultiert daraus, dass ich sehr viel mit yordnern arbeite,
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1 vote
Japanese input candidates are not shown on iPad while typing on PDF form
Japanese input candidates are not shown when using PDF forms on iPad and iPad Pro. It needs to type space key 5 to 6 times to show candidates.
It works with no problem on Windows.
Field size needs to be fixed due to the size of form and number of field.1 vote -
Wie kann ich Modus Be
Wie kann ich im Modus Bearbeiten den Radierer am Pencil aktivieren?
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Can support check my data for bugs ?
Think I’m being hacked with a downloaded software
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Technical suuport
Why is my profile for my 2 x email addresses not linked?... I have an Adobe DC Pro subscription, yet it requests my credit card no. For it to download on my iPhone?.... my email addresses are: [emailaddress1] and [emailaddress2].
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Have 2 forms of Acrobat on I pad, need to delete one. How? Which one?
New user here. Don’t know anything about either form. Just want to look at photos sent to me. Help. Is there a cost to drop box?
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crashes & print problems
Acrobat (iOS) 19.06.02, since several days (?!?) - I don’t know exactly, about every 2nd or 3rd time crashes when I open a PDF file in Files. No big problem as - with 2 clicks - on “Files” and then the same PDFfile, Acrobat opens. This procedure never failed up to now.
Then there are some PDF files that look good in Acrobat but printing - on an EPSON printer - fails: just headlines and eMail- and URL-links are printed, in wrong colors, ...
I can’t describe whether these PDF files have something in common (e.g. “generated by program ...…1 vote -
I want my Acrobat Pro back as I used for years
Reader is only a part of a program. We need to be able to edit and send PDF’s.
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Comment changer mon email
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1 vote
Tutorial on exporting and creating a pdf
Is there a tutorial on how to use the export option and also how to create a pdf.
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I have downloaded a PDF and do not know how to find it and access it. Adobe acrobat reader is completely new to me and I do not understand i
I do not understand how to view a downloaded PDF on Adobe acrobat reader.
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When i start a file pdf in iPhone X doesn’ open, crash
Ogni volta che tento di aprire un file pdf crasha
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Pdf not readable with acrobat for ios but perfectly readable with foxit for ios
File is not readable with acrobat for ios but readable with foxit
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Cannot select a scanner
When I try to insert a page or file from scanner, while trying to select the scanner, there is no scanner shown. I use a Canon DR-M140 scanner with capture ontouch and twain driver installed. Please advise how to use the scanner within Adoibe Acrobat Pro DC.
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Não consigo deletar os arquivos
Prezados, não código deletar esse dois arquivos.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?