Freeze at background and crashed after reopen
iOS, version 19.04.00
Same as title, when I put acrobat reader at background, after spawing back to arobat, it “freeze” and crashed. I need to close it totally and reopen. If before, it won’t get crashed, just will reloading. Sorry for my poor English. Thank for attention.

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Tashi commented
Thanks to developer team for fixed this bug finally. It’s working fine now. Thank again and have a pleasant day! I
Hi all,
We just released Acrobat Reader 19.07.00 to the App Store on July 25, 2019.
We believe that we addressed the app freeze/hang issue with an extremely large number of documents that are stored locally on your iPhone/iPad.
Please update to 19.07.00 (*without* uninstalling and re-installing the app - or iOS will erase all local documents and preferences, if you do) and let us know if you see performance improvements.
Thank you for your patience.
Stein commented
Hi Tashi,
Thank you for the recommandation.
As I am on holidays, I don’t need Adobe for the while and I’m still hoping they will fix it because when the app was ok, it was really a good app.
Tashi commented
Hi stein, i already moved to using “Foxit pdf “ instead adobe as adobe never fix their bugs since so many update. I already done with adobe. Farewell adobe.
Stein commented
It seem’s to me that the problem is in relationship with the absence of Wifi, even if I use local storage on the iPad.
At my school, I don’t have Wifi and the app Adobe doesn’t work anymore since April.
At home, with Wifi, it seem’s to me that there is no problem (I didn’t test so many times).
At home, when I cut off Wifi, then it get frozen as in school.
It’s not logical as my PDF are stored on the iPad, but it’s what happened.
Have a nice day.
Stein commented
1. To prepare my teaching, I open the PDF that I will use.
After a while, the screen become black and the app Adobe is frozen.
The Adobe app is nearly the only one that I use on my iPad, 95 % of the time I would say.
The iPad is dedicated to my teaching and what I need are my PDF.
All my PDF come from local storage as I haven’t Wifi where I work.2. About 7,5 GO.
3. About 20 000 PDF.
I would be very happy if you fix this problem.
Befor April, everything was ok, with the same amount of PDF.Thank you.
Hi all,
We would like additional information from those of you who experienced this freeze/hang/crash problem frequently.
1. Is a PDF document open right before switching to other apps or locking your device? If so, is a PDF document opened from the local storage on your iPad/iPhone or cloud storage (e.g. Document Cloud, Dropbox, Google Drive)?
2. How much iPad/iPhone storage space does your Acrobat app consume?
Please check iOS Settings > General > iPhone/iPad Storage > Acrobat > Document & Data.3. What is the number of documents do you have in Acrobat local storage (On This iPhone/iPad)? Hundreds? Thousands?
Thank you for your help!
Tashi commented
This bug already happen for few months already but developers never fix it. View my post, we had same problem.
Tashi commented
Still same problem. No yet fixed.
Vamsi Krishna commented
My iPad has Adobe view app , in which I added my books. So when I open it freshly it runs fine ,ones I switch app or I come from unlock to app in which currently the file has already open it hangs ,and it forces me to close the app and restart the app
Stein commented
A message to write that I am sad that the latest update didn't change anything.
No improvement !
Tashi commented
It just an example. Usually when I put adobe as background for few seconds, yes, just few seconds as I tap to Safari etc, after I get back to adobe, it freezes and crashed as in video, and no “send report” message pop out.
Stein commented
When the app scratched there is no "Send Report" message.
Stein commented
Here are many PDF, witch when opened and after a while when the screen become black, get freezed.
In fact, all my PDF get frozen and before it was not the case.
I use the iPad Pro with the app Adobe Acrobat Reader since two years for my teaching.
I can no longer use your app, I had to take a another; it's a pity.
I hope you can do something.
Thank you.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Would you be willing to share your PDF documents that exhibit the problem with us (Adobe)?
It would be great if you can attach your PDF documents in your next reply to this forum thread.
Thank you for your help.
Tashi commented
iPhone totally work fine, only iPad.
Tashi commented
You not the only one. I reported this bug last month already but never get fixed even 2 updates have been done. It get freeze when reopen after put at background or screen gone black.
Stein commented
Since the update of april, I can't use Adobe Acrobat Reader on my iPad Pro under IOS 12.2/12.3. All my PDF are on the iPad, I have nothing in Cloud because where I teach I don't have Wifi. Without Wifi, when a PDF is open, I can't close it by using the arrow in the left corner up (it's freezed) especially when I let the iPad go to black screen. If I close the app, when I open it again, the same PDF is still here and after a while the app close from itself. Only at this moment I can open a new PDF, but it take's a lot of time. I can't teach properly in these conditions. Can you do something in the way that Adobe Acrobat Reader works again without Wifi, please. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
In ipad6, the screen freezes every time the adobe reader goes idle. I need to restart the ipad before it can function again. My ipad is updated and the adobe reader is also up to date.