37 results found
Bug: Export to Excel combining separate data into same column
Export to excel is combining part of the data into a single column. In the attached file, line G on Table 2 is being combined.
1 vote -
[Bug] Acrobat DC 2020 | exporting to Word – images with text are blurry (OCR disabled)
Acrobat DC 2020 (20.013.20064)
MacOSX 10.14.16Exporting PDFs in Acrobat DC 2020 to Word (.docx or .doc) embedded raster images with (rastered) text (e.g. maps etc.) are blurry/with low resolution in the resulting Word document. This is especially the case if the export OCR option is clearly disabled. Other raster images (without text) are not affected. Embeeded raster images in the source PDF can be jpg or tif with "high" resolution like 300 or 600dpi and the result is allways the same bad quality for raster images with text (either source format of the embedded images), but as good as…
1 vote -
Convert pdf to word in bulk
I have to convert files from Word to PDF and in this case I need to convert multiple pages from PDF to Word. I have five folders, 150 pages per folder. I just spent an hr with with a Adobe assistant and all i can do is 10 pages at a time. Not helpful at all.
2 votes -
Issue in arabic language when converting pdf files excel
When i try to convert files from pdf to excel, i have an issue in Arabic text it displayed in reverse.
Check the attached file pls.12 votes -
My Adobe Acrobat Pro DC crashes when I export a PDF to JPEG.
My Adobe Acrobat Pro DC crashes when I export a PDF to JPEG. I'm on version 20.006.20042.Windows 10.
3 votes -
Some colums are merged when exporting a PDF into XLSX (Excel)
Tried converting several PDF files with the same format into Excel, two colums get incorrectly combined on all of them, this doesn't happen when using a different, free, online service.
Case ID: ADB-14769668-X1X4
1 vote -
Error when exporting PDF
When attempting to export a pdf to a jpg, png, or tiff an error stating that the image is too wide to output occurs. This only happens with some files, but not all.
We were able to convert the pdf using your online tool.
1 vote -
New version export to excel some data is missing
While exporting data from PDF to Excel some pdf data is not getting exported in excel. I never experienced this issue in previous version
As per Attachment Group id Mentioned in PDF is 711455, however Exported excel have group id as 71145. so it is missing last digit. I have 250 plus pages in pdf all pages have similar issue with group id.
Old version never had this issue1 vote -
Não consigo exportar para excel ou para word
Não consigo exportar para excel ou para word
1 vote -
I cannot transfer my pdf files to LibreOffice. How can I do this it seems like a failure in the system
There is no facility for exporting pdf files to my LibreOffice file list
There must be a solution. Please advise
1 vote -
export to excel
When exporting to excel, there is WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY TOO MUCH wrong formatting specifically with merging cells or entering an entire page from the pdf file into cells A1 - A5 that are merged and centered with text wrapped.
Can the pdf exporter to excel actually work so if I have a pdf file with a report that is a table 10 columns by 20 rows actually go into excel the same way and not end up being 15 columns and 8 rows due to all the excel cells merging.
3 votes -
Export to excel typically does not work
The step in the export process in which the tool presents the options related to locations for saving the exported file has a blank screen that never completes the process.
1 vote -
Unable to initialize 'Export PDF' for a PayPal transaction file saved as a PDF
Unable to initialize 'Export PDF' for a PayPal transaction file saved as a PDF - not to MS/Word or any other MS/Office product.
2 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. Is this issue happening only with one PayPal transaction file or with other files as well?
Can you please provide us the details of the following:
1. Acrobat Version – Are you on reader or DC? Please share the screenshot of the Acrobat version screen
a. Go to help → About Acrobat … and take a screenshot
2. Operating system (Mac/Win)
3. Input PDF File
4. Screenshot of the issue or any error you see while performing the Export operation.Regards,
Akanksha Garg
Software Engineer
Adobe Acrobat Team -
Exporting Formular Data to CSV-File don´t work correctly
We have to use the function for exporting PDF Formular Data to CSV-File. The function works well if you need it for only a few files but if you use it to export more than 500MB -750MB of files the export produces only an empty csv. That is quite a big problem for our company because we need this to export up to 3GB of PDF Formulars as part of our workflows and it is not very handy to export just parts and put them together in time consuming steps
1 vote -
Export to Excel
I tried to export a PDF to Excel in order to capture and manipulate the data without having to retype it. When I did so, the resulting Excel document was unreadable and the formatting was off. I have several files like this that I need to extract the data from. I have Acrobat Pro for Mac. I'm using osSierra version 10.12.6. Please see the attached PDF and resulting Excel output file.
3 votesHi Chantal Smith,
The attached PDF is already an OCRed file whose output is incorrect. Try to copy and paste the text from the PDF file. It contains garbage values.
Please provide non-OCRed file for this issue.
Akanksha Garg
Adobe Acrobat Team -
Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 no longer can convert a PDF to a Jpeg, PNG toi TIFF
Something is preventing Acrobat from converting PDFs to image files such as jpeg, png, tiff. Never had this problem before.
Whether I do "export" or "save as' there is no file created
Mine in 9.5.5
1 vote -
PDF to Excel Conversion
I need to convert some bank statements into excel. However, the conversion is highly distorted, across various cells, and almost unusable. Sharing the attached sample.
Do you have a solution that you can share.
I have tried, online links and conversion of these files work fine there, But because of security issues, I need a trusted software and hence trying to use Adobe.
1 vote -
have to manually enter page number for export to eps
When exporting to eps (may be other formats too) from a multi-page document, you have to manually go into settings and define the page number (in the format of a range) that you want to export. Ironically, it automatically populates the page # of # based on the page you're already on. If you don't define a page, regardless of what page you're on, it will export the 1st page. Should default to exporting the page you're on in the pdf.
1 vote -
Issue with Adobe PDF converter
I've been using Adobe PDF converter for several months (PDF to excel) and today started having an issue where one random PDF out of the batch will convert to just a blank excel.
3 votesThanks for bringing this up.
Could you please help us with the pdf files and the exported output?
For better clarity, please include : Problem statement, reproducible steps, OS platform, Acrobat build# that you are using.Regards,
Adobe Acrobat Team -
Export to MS Word without putting every **** piece of text in a text box
I can see certain documents were created in MS Word with simple follow on/flowing text and standard paragraph styles ie no **** text boxes. Even with the export options turned off, Acrobat does this incredibly annoying export to text boxes where it is simply run-on (flowing) text. You then have to extract the text, box by box to get the document to be in an editable form. Even exporting to rtf has similar issues. Exporting to plain text means you have to format.
In the end, you waste valuable time either extracting the text or having to reformat the text…
10 votesNeed info
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