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  1. The adobe sign app does not work. The adobe sign web browser does not work.
    Please fix this

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    Hello Aussie,

    We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the software. We see you have previously sent a comment regarding something similar. Do not worry since we will work on this matter asap. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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  2. The "Use Template" Feature is not working and keeps crashing. Please fix immediately!

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    Hi Brett,

    We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. 

    Please be patient with us while we resolve this problem.


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  3. Stop it with making everything a cloud-based experience. It's lame and fails the user experience. It is not well-featured, and is not easy to use, and flat out doesn't work for saving files locally, for editing/fill&sign flow and ease of use, nor exporting PDFs. Get rid of the cloud **** and bring back a real app on a real hard drive. Your old app for acrobat pro was just fine. Then you had to make it "all online" and break it. I cannot even download PDF files anymore, the button doesn't work for "download".

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    Hi Jordan,

    We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Would you be so kind to send us the document you are having issues with? And if possible, please tell us the steps you take to download a file.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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  4. On Chrome OS, we need to just be able to edit the individual file. Some of us like to use our Files app to open our things in Google Drive, meaning the only way we can edit files via Acrobat is to replace the file, and that is not ideal. Just give us the ability to edit them on-device. It's possible, you just need to enable the proper protocols. Then, we'd be able to open our files without directly signing into Google Drive. On Mobile, this isn't a problem, since on my phone I can edit Drive files if I…

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  5. I am unable to edit certain text on some files. Why is this? It is usually after I create a form and fill in blank areas. I can edit the form areas but not the parts filled in. It is very frustrating.

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  6. Everytime I send out an e signature request I get an email saying document was undeliverable, then a few minutes later I get an email confirming document has gone out for delivery. Please find attached screenshot of undeliverable msg.

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    Hi Sandra,

    We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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  7. Prezados bom dia! Desde o início do mês de Maio, estamos enfrentando uma instabilidade em uma das ferramentas do Adobe Acrobat, a saber o: Botão de opções; cujo o mesmo, ao ser inserido no documento para dar a opção ao assinante de definir o status desejado, ocorre um Bug, que somente ao selecionar a última opção ao invés de ser "livre" a escolha, isso acarreta em uma divergência de decisões que impacta diretamente no andamento das obras que estão sendo realizadas dentro dos estado, já realizamos alguns testes, porém não foram conclusivos, assim como excluímos e reinserimos novos modelos para…

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    Lamentamos que você esteja enfrentando problemas com nosso aplicativo. Estamos fazendo a triagem do seu problema e coletando mais informações para entender melhor o problema. Você poderia fornecer mais detalhes sobre o problema que está enfrentando? Por exemplo, se você estiver vendo um erro ou qualquer coisa que considere, pode nos ajudar a encontrar uma possível solução para isso.


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  8. E-sign templates aren't working properly. The window says the document is not sent but when I look at my email it looks like it was sent out. This has caused duplicates to be sent out.

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    Hi Hamed,

    We are sorry you are experiencing troubles with our app . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Could you provide more details regarding the issue you are having? For example if you are seeing an error when you try to send the agreement or anything you consider could help us narrow down a possible solution for this.


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  9. The e-sign changes have been very confusing for most of our clients. They don't see the "click to sign" "continue" buttons and about 90% of them miss the final submit button. I have had to get on video screen shares and follow up with clients on outstanding signatures 9/10 for every agreement that gets sent out. It is unsustainable, instead of doing billable work I have to walk them through how to complete an e-signature. I would like you to change this part of your platform into a more user friendly and or obvious format. So that I can stop…

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    Hi Hamed,

    We are sorry you're having troubles using our app. Your feedback is very important to us as it help us understand better the areas in which we can improve the usability of the app. We will work on this in future updates. Rest assured, your comments will be taken into consideration.

    Thanks for your patience.

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  10. The app is not working at all once I sign in. All the options to click on are not redirecting the app to a new page

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    Hi Velga,

    We are sorry you are experiencing troubles with our app . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Could you provide more details regarding the issue you are having? For example if you are seeing an error when you try to click on an option or anything you consider could help us narrow down a possible solution for this.


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  11. Ich hatte ein Dokument erstellt, was von zwei anderen Parteien und mir unterzeichnet werden musste.
    Über die erste Unterschrift wurde ich noch informiert. Leider wurde ich aber nicht darüber informiert, dass die zweite Partei unterzeichnet hat und meine Unterschrift fehlt.
    Das ist echt schlecht, wenn man sich auf den Prozess nicht verlassen kann.

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    Hallo Markus,

    Es tut uns leid, dass Sie Probleme mit unserer App haben. Wir untersuchen Ihr Problem und sammeln weitere Informationen, um das Problem besser zu verstehen. Könnten Sie uns weitere Einzelheiten zu Ihrem Problem mitteilen? Wenn Sie beispielsweise einen Fehler in einem Teil des Signatur-Workflows feststellen oder uns Einzelheiten mitteilen, die uns Ihrer Meinung nach dabei helfen könnten, die Ursache des Problems einzugrenzen 

    Vielen Dank, 

    Anmelden Acrobat Web Team

  12. The e-sign function is really bad now,
    Boxes that have been ticked are no longer ticked after being e-signed.

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    Hi Hang Joon,

    We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.


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  13. Limiting the file size on esign documents way down from what it was before hinders my productivity. I hate the new esign and want classic to return. I send large files for purposes of creating an auditing paper trail for a state university that require backup documentation to be included. The newly redesigned product does not do what it needs to do, and I am going to encourage the university to look into other esign programs going forward to use once the license expires. This sucks.

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    Hi Eve,

    We understand you are encountering some trouble with the new feature in Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. With Modernized experience, you now get simplified document authoring experience, leverage AI-assisted form field detection and ability to revise, organize & save document edits in-progress, add/ remove recipients during agreement creation step. Here’s more information.

    If you still prefer to use the earlier version you can revert back by following these steps:
    1.    Click on your profile icon.
    2.    Select "Settings".
    3.    In "E-signing settings", uncheck the box next to "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures".

    This change will only affect new created after making this adjustment. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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  14. when sending out multiple PDFs in an agreement for signing, please make it an option to receive them as separate PDFs and not a combined PDF.

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    Hi MJ Havenga,
    Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.


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  15. Its great but you should add a spell-check feature

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  16. Bonjour,
    Lorsque j'utilise l'option c.c. dans Adobe Sign, la personne en c.c. reçoit une notification à chaque fois qu'un signataire appose sa signature. Quand il y a plusieurs signataires, souvent 4 et plus, cela fait beaucoup de notifications inutiles pour la personne en c.c. Je croyais que cette option était pour envoyer une notification seulement lorsque le document est terminé, or ce n'est pas le cas. Ceci m'empêche d'utiliser l'option c.c. car je ne souhaite pas submerger la personne en c.c. de notifications au sujet de documents incomplets. Merci de recueillir ce commentaire.

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    Hi Aurélie Roy,

    Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.

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  17. This file is showing the external names and email addresses of potential applicants. Not sure if this is an intended behavior, but since this is supposedly a publicly facing link, its a little strange that users who gain access automatically have their names and email address associated with and accessible by other users.

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  18. We got a message "Email sent to ELIAS ( bounced and could not be delivered
    May 22, 2024 10:01 AM" but the error message was "Inbox is Full". Your product would be vastly more useful if the error message returned when an email "bounces" were provided instead of this generic message which usually (but not always!) means there's a typo in the email address.

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    Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.

  19. me gustaría saber si hay limitaciones en los envíos mensuales en Adobe

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    Hola Oscar,

    Las cuentas de Adobe Pro no tienen limitaciones para envíos mensuales, sin embargo, las cuentas gratuitas, por otro lado, si tienen. Cada cuenta gratuita puede mandar dos acuerdos para firma. De cualquier forma, siéntete libre de comunicarte nuevamente si tienes alguna otra duda o necesitas apoyo con el uso de nuestra aplicación.


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  20. Unable to see any completed agreements that have been signed.

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    We are sorry you are having troubles with the app. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.

    We will do our best to address this issue as soon as possible.


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