Agreement Status Page and Request E-Signatures Page Feedback
If I cancel an agreement (a draft agreement, for example), it should automatically be hidden. I canceled two agreements and they are still listed in my recents.
Also, I selected a couple agreements to do a bulk "hide" - but instead I get a warning where the hide option usually is that says, "we can't combine, export, or create new files from shared items at this time." I'm not trying to do any of that. I'm just trying to do a bulk action HIDE several items at once.
Also, when I'm emailing an agreement for signatures, there should be a way to save the intro letter to load it when needed. 99% of the time, I am typing the same thing to people, so would be nice to be able to save/load something to save time.

Thank you for your suggestion! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.
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