2118 results found
Allow people to convert 2 transcripts for a job WITHOUT BUYING ADOBE!!!!!!!!!!!
2 pages to convert.............must we buy the entire ADOBE PACKAGE I never use it..............
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if you have more than one webcam, like a virtual camera like DroidCam Client, or Snap Camera in addition to a physical camera and try to use the Place Signature, Use Webcam Option, there is no way to change between multiple webcams. please add the functionality to select between all the cameras on a systems, not whichever is found first.
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DocumentCloud.Abobe.com Does Not Work In Chrome
Adobe is using old authentication where Chrome does not allow for pasting/loading sharable PDF links to Chrome -- Firefox still allows this old authentication, so I am only able to edit sharable PDF links in Firefox. Error messages are below:
A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at http://assets.adobedtm.com/ was set without the
attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set withSameSite=None
. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5088147346030592 and https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5633521622188032.dc-core.js:2 Error in Logging serverHandler:
AdobeError…1 vote -
Pdf should have time bound password facility for data privacy and security
This is Ankit. I am working as a project manager - mechanical design for complete project proposal of design and development of machines.
For our project requirements, we need to send our design and manufacturing drawings to different vendors/ manufacturers.
Because of data security, thiis drawings we are providing in hard copies instead of soft copies. Ad there is a chance of design copy in case of soft copy provision.
Id in pdf we can develop such security facility, such that the PDFs that we send to any vendor/manufacturers, those PDFs must have password protected and the password must…
1 vote -
Make it so it can be opened by other people, or make it free to convert into a USABLE format.
I am trying to use this for my Eagle Project, but that was a bad idea, since no one else can open the files and I can't convert them without spending money on a very basic thing. Now I've got time invested which I would lose if I swapped to another, better product. I understand your business model is to get people with annoying free stuff so they buy the good ones, but hot dang is this especially bad.
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Why full reader search opens in an new window instead of same window where the file is open ?
Why full reader search opens in an new window instead of same window where the file is open ?
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Adobe Acrobat Reader "74004195041 ve benzerir.pdf"dosyasını desteklenmeyen bir dosya türü olduğu için yada zarar gördüğü için
Adobe Acrobat Reader "74004195041 ve benzerir.pdf"dosyasını desteklenmeyen bir dosya türü olduğu için yada zarar gördüğü için açamadı örneğin e posta eki olarak gönderilmiş ve kodu doğru şekilde çözülmemiş .
uyarısı alıyorum bunun çözümü nasıl olur.1 vote -
Add a View/View Rotate 180 Degrees button.
(So I don't have to tap the Rotate 90 degree button twice when a page is upside down).
1 vote -
Bug: ECDSA signature encoded incorrectly
I have encountered a bug in Acrobat Reader DC that is related to encoding of ECDSA digital signatures. The signature is composed of two numbers. It seems that when the highest bit of those numbers is set it is not padded with zero to make sure that the number is treated as positive integer. Instead it is treated as a negative integer. Adobe itself treats those signatures as valid, but other software refuses to accept them. Our nationwide eID uses ECC, so this bug impacts a large number of users. I can provide test file with valid and invalid signatures…
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Wrong portuguese translation for appearance of a certificate-based signature
Brief description: Translation bug.
Steps to reproduce:
On a Portuguese language installation:
i. Create an appearance for a certificate-based signature, as described on the link bellow:
ii. Make sure to include the date in the signature text.
Environment: Windows 10, Acrobat Reader DC - version 20.9.20067.384717 (Portugues)
Expected result: Signature appearance should contain the text "Data" (The correct Portuguese translation for "Date"), followed by the date.
Observed result: Signature appearance contains the text "Dados". See attached screenshot.
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passage de pdf à word pour texte à plusieurs colonnes
Quand un texte comporte plusieurs colonnes, la transcription en word mélange tout ; merci de mettre en place un outil permettant de respecter l'ordre des colonnes
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An Error Occurred During The Submit Process
As of the latest update (2020.009.20065), when a user clicks on the submit button in a form it asks for their login credentials and after they receive an error. In prior versions of Reader DC, a user would put in their credentials and the form would be submitted. Now, after update 20065, the user puts in their credentials they get the following error message. "An error occurred during the submit process. Authorization is required for this network service" and the form is not submitted.
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Error printing form or second page blank
Filled PDF form cannot be printed on most systems, on some systems the second page prints blank.
Works fine when using Edge or Chrome as PDF viewer. This is on Windows 10 and 81 vote -
File paths containing spaces are not remembered by Save As in Reader
I save certain PDF files to my Windows (10) Start Menu, usually in folders which, like "Start Menu", contain at least one space in their name.
The list of folders to which previous files have been saved apparently refuses to remember such folders, forcing me to copy-and-paste the applicable name /every/ time I want to save something there.
A folder name that does not contain any spaces, is remembered as usual.
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Bug introduced in latest Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - no option for duplex printing
After latest update to Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, the option to print on both sides disappeared. Had to edit the registry to prevent automatic updates (how are naive users supposed to cope?).
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Ich habe den Photoshop 2020 im media markt gekauft habe aber kein Laufwerk auf dem Laptop kann aber nichts instalieren
Diese Seite hier bringt mir auch nichts alles in Englisch warum nicht in Deutsch habe kein laufwerk auf dem laptop habe alles genau der Reinefolge wie beschrieben gemacht aber immer kommt Fehler bei der seriennummer ????? Wann behebt man das mal .Seriennummer / abrufcode ???? wo kommt was hin . Adobe ist das bislang am schlechtesten zu instalierende Programm das ich je hatte.
Habe Testversion als Abbo runtergeladen will aber kein Abbo sondern nur das gekaufte Produkt verwenden alles super kompliziert .
Bin sehr angefressen és muss doch einfacher zu machen sein .1 vote -
Restore Last View Settings only working for a few days
Restore last view settings only remembers settings for a limited time. After a few days, page and zoom settings are reset to default.
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F2 should not open web help
The key to open help is F1. It should not also be F2. I was using F2 for Discord/Push-to-talk, and now Acrobat Reader DC opens a web page every time.
Please restore the behaviour of the previous version of Acrobat Reader DC.
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J’ai mis formidable et ça passe comme par miracle et pas résiliation impossible
La malhonnêteté est au rendez vous . Comme beaucoup d’autres je ne peux résilier mon abonnement gratuit d’une semaine et demain date limite je vais être facture de 10,99€.
Je vous préviens : si vous le faites ( et j’enregistre ce texte) je porte plainte pas pour moi seulement mais aussi pour les autres .
Vous avez l’obligation de fournir les outils de résiliation en temps et en heure et pas après nous avoir arnaqué.
Dépêchez vous de satisfaire cette requête .1 vote -
BugFix cpu usage
since 2020 versions (this bug still persists in all updates until now) of acrobat reader dc for windows it happens that suddenly the application process requires a huge amount of cpu for no apparent reason and it won't stop until the program is closed
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?