62 results found
8 votes -
Add a button or menu option to set Adobe Acrobat to reopen all documents opened in a previous session.
Add a button or menu option to set Adobe Acrobat to reopen all documents opened in a previous session.
4 votesHi,
If your Previous session had any PDF’s launched when it was last Closed, then there is a Menu item Under File→ Reopen PDFs from Last Session which will open the pdfs that were launched in your previous session before closing.
Attaching a snapshot to help you with.
Also there is a Preference unde Edit→Preferences→General which ould automatically open the PDFs from the last sesssion as you Open the Acrobat / Reader application. Here is more info on that : https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/whats-new.html#PreferencetoreopenPDFsfromthelastAcrobatsession
Hope this resolves your concern ?
-Ayush Jain
In the new version, give us back the expandable toolbar on the rightside. Should not have to do a tool search for item. (e.g. textbox)
12 votes -
"Send or receive feedback fast" popup - Please Remove
Constantly getting a huge "Send or receive feedback fast" popup near the huge blue Share button... every time I save or edit a PDF. Very very disruptive. Please allow users to disable popups such as this.
6 votesPlease let us know if the below solution worked for you ?
On a 4K display used with a smaller logic definition, Acrobat Pro DC mistakes when displaying at actual size
When I specify in the Acrobat DC Preferences a HiDPI definition (163 dpi for a 27" 4K monitor) and when the OSX Mojave is adjusted on a logic definition of 2560x1440 pix, Acrobat mistakes at displaying actual size of PDF: the application displays documents as if the definition was lower. As a consequence the documents on screen appear bigger than they should.
2 votes -
Open document without popups aligned to the edge of the document
The popups aligned to the edge of the document make interface difficult to use, is there a way to open without it? Have it turned off but get pdfs from others and it's very very hard to use, to see the comments without opening a huge window, then I have to try to see it and the window I'm editing at the same time. Please make a way to set these inside so I can see them. Thank you.
4 votes -
Bookmark bar and menu bar
A select feature is needed to choose to automatically hide bookmark bar and anything else the user wants to customise
3 votes -
The Acrobat DC “save as PDF” interface has been scrambled
My computer system is MacOS 10.14.4, Acrobat version is DC (2019.020.20099). After adding fonts to macOS FontBook, the Acrobat DC “save as PDF” interface has been scrambled.
2 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting the issue to us. Can you please provide some more details :
1. What font did you add via macOS font book?
2. Do you see this scrambled interface only on save dialog? Can you please go to Home / My computer/ Document Cloud/ Add an Account section on the left hand rail and let us know if you observe the same issue on these screens.Regards,
Sandeep Grover -
Changing Default Tools on new menu
I like the quick-access to the Tools in Acrobat, but please allow us to select WHICH 4 tools we see. The defaults are Create PDF, Export PDF, Fill&Sign, and Protect, but in my workflow, I almost never use these tools. I use Edit PDF, Combine Files, Organize Pages, and Prepare Form daily, and would very much like to have these on my front page.
Also, I have the Mobile app already. How do I get rid of the ad asking me to download it?2 votes -
Dear Adobe... for over 20 years I have used Adobe products and with one or two tiny exceptions in the early years, and absolutely loved them all. Photoshop, Design, Creative Suite, Premier Pro you name it I've probably bought it and in many cases bought literally dozens of copies for numerous functions and colleagues too many to mention (see my old Adobe account). One of these which I have used almost daily for years was Adobe Acrobat Pro. I still have 11.0.23 running on an old laptop and it runs like a dream. Full of features and stable as mile…
10 votesHi,
Sorry for the Issue that you are facing while using Acrobat DC.
Could you please specify what exactly do you feel Buggy with the latest version ?
Also When do you face crashes/Slowness on using Acrobat.Would help if you could send me the crash report when Acrobat crashes for you.
Ayush Jain -
Zoom Percentage on the Toolbar is Not Available with "Open Documents as new tabs in the same window" option disabled
The Zoom Percentage Disappears from the Toolbar when you turn off the option to "Open Documents as new tabs in the same window"
6 votes -
Make Pan Tool Pan Again
A number of people continue to think it's a "bug" rather than a "feature" that the pan tool selects images & text by default in Acrobat DC. And they ought to be right, this is not a desirable feature for a pan tool, vice a select tool. In fact, it's why you have a select tool in the first place: to select images & text.
Pan tools PAN, as allow you to navigate through the document by clicking & dragging. This feature is literally defeated by having it select images and text when you click & drag. As such, it…
6 votes -
Permanently Add Tool to Tool Panel
I use the Accessibility tools every single day.
However, I have to manually re-add it to the tool panel each time that I log on, unless I just leave the computer on and locked (and IT does not run an auto-patch and restarts my computer without asking).
ter locked.
Is there a way to set it add a tool permanently to the tool panel on a single computer (as with previous versions of Acrobat Pro)?
2 votes -
selection does not work anymore
When selecting text or illustrations, ACROBAT DC (v 2019.012) does not highlight anymore, instead the selected object is pixelated in seeming random colors. this makes it impossible to recognize selected text (depending on foreground/background contrast).
particularly an issue when searching PDF and the highlights can not be seen.
tried re-installing etc. with no success1 vote -
unable to resave a PDF file
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is dropping Excel formatting (boxes around cells) when converted to PDF document. It also will not allow a PDF document to be changed and resaved as the same file name. You now have to save as a new file name every time, which makes it impossible to work with.
1 voteHi
Can you share a sample Excel document where you are facing this issue? Is it happening for all Excel files?
Tanvi -
Disable share popup
If there could be an option to disable this from showing after saving, that would be very nice.
Thank you.
4 votes -
Option in Preferences - when a pdf is created with attachments - autodetect & change default opening view property
Please add a default option in Preferences that auto detects that a created pdf has attachments and sets the opening property to show attachments...
Same for bookmarks... If the native record has bookmarks for sections, have a property option to auto populate bookmarks in the pdf and set default property to open showing bookmarks
Instead of a default property to either show attachments or bookmarks upon opening, create an option to show both bookmarks and attachments contemporaneous upon opening, if the native document has attachments and bookmarks.
1 vote -
Default hide navigation pane
If I can't figure out a way to stop getting a massive bookmarks pane EVERY SINGLE TIME I open any file I am going to set my computer on fire.
The Wizard won't do it. Edit > Preferences > Restore last view setting when reopening documents won't do it. I can't mess with the system registry on a work computer so that won't do it. Do not tell me to tick the restore last view setting box.
Look at this bookmarks pane. Look at it.
2 votes -
BUG - The app randomly exits full screen mode on MacOS Mojave
BUG - The app randomly exits full screen mode on MacOS Mojave
3 votesHi,
Can you please update if you are still facing any issue ?
Also Please update your Mojave OS to 10.14.2 and see if issue persists ?Thanks
Ayush Jain -
Stop the Acrobat Welcome from Always Opening
Although no adobe products are set as startup items and the Adobe Acrobat Pro DC general settings have the option to show a start screen as OFF... with each newstart of the computer, the Acrobat Start screen opens.... and every time has to be manually closed.
This is a bug (although probably intended by Adobe) and needs to be fixed to remove this major annoyance.
The effect is that Adobe is trying to be an annoying microsoft application by making its own rules to decide what I want... but in reality is frustrating.
2 votes
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