Changing Default Tools on new menu
I like the quick-access to the Tools in Acrobat, but please allow us to select WHICH 4 tools we see. The defaults are Create PDF, Export PDF, Fill&Sign, and Protect, but in my workflow, I almost never use these tools. I use Edit PDF, Combine Files, Organize Pages, and Prepare Form daily, and would very much like to have these on my front page.
Also, I have the Mobile app already. How do I get rid of the ad asking me to download it?

Lou commented
By the way: If I read you correctly, someone made a conscious decision to put apps the account holder NEVER used on a Quick Access toolbar? By what logic was this decision arrived at? A Quick Access toolbar should have ONLY those apps the customer actually uses, don't you think? In fact, to be the most useful, the Quick Access should show the MOST RECENT tools used, don't you think?
Lou commented
Thank you for your quick response. Also note that the "Get the App" banner is still there, although now its asking me to download the mobile PDF scan app. Is this going to keep having me download apps ad infinitum? Please make this go away.
AdminCharu Karwa (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thanks for your feedback for the new menu on Home. Currently it is not configurable and it shows tools which have not been used by user.
Also, if you are using same login ID for the mobile app and Acrobat, ad will not show up.
Do let me know if you need more information here.Thanks,
Charu Karwa
Adobe Acrobat DC Team