379 results found
2 votes
Opening documents and going to different pages
The new update has made this program literally impossible to use. Any time I open a multipage PDF it opens it to a random page and I can't move more than 3 or 4 pages in either direction before it stops loading the PDF entirely. Whenever I try to jump to a new page by typing in the page number the program freezes and I have to quit. Then I open the document again and the whole thing starts all over.
I also can no longer control the size of the pages. It will randomly zoom in on a page…
2 votes -
Can support check my data for bugs ?
Think I’m being hacked with a downloaded software
1 vote -
Slow rendering of file
The following file which i have attached renders very slowly and sometimes it does not even render. However when i use other pdf readers like wps it renders quickly and without any error
3 votes -
Ständige Abstürze der App
Die angehängte Datei kann in der App nicht geöffnet werden. Die App stürzt beim öffnen ab und ist dann weg. Auch andere Dateien können so nicht geöffnet werden.
1 vote -
cannot access anything on google drive
everything in the drive cannot be loaded on the adobe app, whats worse is that things that once appeared just disappear on reloading
2 votes -
I want to cancel this app I want to cancel this app I don’t need to use it anymore and please can you stop taking payments out of my acc I’
I want to cancel this app
I want to cancel this app I don’t need to use it anymore and please can you stop taking payments out of my accouunt . thank you
1 vote -
No longer allows one to move a pdf file shared from another app into a resident Adobe folder in an iPad Mini 4
I preface these comments by noting that this problem may only exist on the iPad mini 4. I also have an iPad fourth-generation and do not have the same problem on that iPad.
In prior versions of this app on my iPad Mini 4, I could share a PDF file from some other app on my iPad to the Adobe app and it would show up in the top folder level. From there, I could easily move it into the resident folder of my choice on my Adobe app. Not so anymore. Instead, I can only locate it in Adobe’s…
3 votes -
BUG- Google Drive connectivity REMAINS an issue
Hi, despite the update for Adobe PDF Expert on iPad that said it was going to fix Google Drive connectivity, it is still extremely slow to open my drive account and I cannot upload PDFs to any folders in GD. Says "pending" for a while then never moves. Disappointing because I rely heavily on this app for my private students to push them their lesson notes to practice at home at the end of our lesson.
I am on Wifi at home, space in GD not an issue, running lated iOS, updated to latest version of the app. PLEASE FIX!!!
4 votes -
The ap crashes about 10 seconds after opening it.
2 votes -
Unable to read the Chinese traditional characters
Unable to read the Chinese traditional characters after a text message to PDF
2 votes -
Serial number failing to recognize my email address IOS
PDF reader Pro could be amazing but for the fact the adobe has let someone else use my name and I cannot register or put the serial number into the software. It’s only a little identity theft. I’ve talked with 9 people alone today! Amazingly they don’t have the answers. Apparently the problem is if you work on only IOS devices it’s your fault and a man mansplains this to you. If anyone else is having this problem please feel free to share how you dealt with it cause i personal am finding it hard to work.
1 vote -
Version 19.02.01 bug
Since I downloaded 19.02.01, many things have gone amok. First, it told me I could not open a file due to an unknown error. Then it opened my file, but I could not add comments. Then it seemed that the file was corrupted, only displaying half the file. Now it won’t open at all. I have an iPad 2, running iOS 12.1.
4 votes -
Where did the pdf button functionality go?
Prior to your update, I was able to use the button I created to seamlessly email a completed fillable pdf form to 2 emails. Since the update, the email pops up but for some reason it strips the email addresses I have stored in the button properties. Button works fine on PC, but not iOS on either iPad or iPhone versions. Please bring that feature back.
2 votes -
Pdf içeriği gözükmüyor
Vakıfbank kredi kartı hesap ekstrası pdf açılıyor içeriği gözükmüyor
2 votes -
Не хотел покупать подписку на год
Не хотел покупать подписку на год, было написано оплата по дням , а списали все деньги в apple store
1 vote -
When i start a file pdf in iPhone X doesn’ open, crash
Ogni volta che tento di aprire un file pdf crasha
1 vote -
Pdf not readable with acrobat for ios but perfectly readable with foxit for ios
File is not readable with acrobat for ios but readable with foxit
1 vote -
Bug entre app Livros (iPad) e o Adobe
Ao tentar salvar um pdf que está no Livros para o Adobe... eu coloco o pdf do Livros para imprimir e expando o pdf e escolho abrir o Adobe... então aparece uma mensagem de erro, e no Adobe aparece um ícone como nome “livros”... só que não consigo abrir e nem apagar este ícone
2 votes -
Não consigo deletar os arquivos
Prezados, não código deletar esse dois arquivos.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?