378 results found
Highlighting inserts little empty yellow notes
When I highlight text, and then later open it in Preview on my Mac or within Files on the iPhone, little empty yellow post-it notes alongside each highlight, on the right page margin appear. If I should click or press on them, they disappear, otherwise they remain hanging there. What could this be due to? Please see attachment to get an idea of what it looks like.
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Deleted files on iCloud after update
After updating adobe reader, all files on iCloud have been removed and I can’t see any of them
Please help2 votes -
Bug can’t select March in a form
When I use a form and select a date in March I get a error
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2 votes
Schwerer Fehler in Adobe Acrobat Reader
Wenn ich ein PDF-Dokument aus der Creative Cloud mit Adobe Acrobat Reader öffne, es eine zeitlang bearbeite (Markieren, Notizen usw.), wird es anschließend nicht fehlerfrei wieder in der Creative Cloud gespeichert (Uploadfehler) !!!!!!!! Anmerkung: Das passiert immer dann, wenn das iPad zwischendurch nicht mit WLAN verbunden ist.
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2 votes
Subscribed to PDF pack but there was error downloading. Am now subscribed but the pack is not activated. Have removed app and retried, down
Subscribed to PDF pack but there was error downloading. Am now subscribed but the pack is not activated. Have removed app and retried, downloading from cloud so issue not resolvable.
3 votesHi,
It may take some time for the Acrobat app to recognize the newly purchased subscription.
Would you please try signing out & in using the Adobe ID that is associated with the purchase?
If PDF Pack is still not activated, please contact Adobe Customer Care.
Thank you for your patience.
Adobe acrobat reader
When using adobe acrobat reader fill&sign on my laptop the document will lock but it will not lock on my phone. Any ideas?
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1 vote
incorrect printing a pdf using v 19.02.01 using 2 iphone x's and 2 different printers
received a pdf today and it won't print correctly using two different iphones x. tested the printing on two different printers a dell and a brother with same problems on the pages. the document does print correcting from my windows pc on the same printers so i suspect the problem is either with the document or the iphone acrobat product
certain characters every time are either missing only partially printed or garbage characters are printed instead
i'm attaching one page with arrows pointing to the problem areas thank you for your consideration -
3 votes -
sending corrupt PDFs via adobe short cut.
I am receiving feedback from others when I send a pdf that my file will not open and it states that it is corrupt document on my end when trying to open it on my end inside the email client.
1) I have never had this issue before with the same writable PDFs I use daily.
2) I am using the short cut, print, pinch to zoom, copy to spark (email)
3) I can send it multiple times the same method and it will eventually work.
4) I want it to work the first timePlease Help and/or FIX!!
2 votes -
Incomplete highlighting
‘Some’ of my highlights seem to have disappeared after leaving and returning to the app. I have noticed that if you click (hold) on one highlight that you have previously done, or just make a new one so you have something to select, it gives you forward and back arrows in a dialogue box which will allow you to sequentially step through your highlights. By doing this I have noticed that it will show a blue box around text that I have previously highlighted (as shown in the bottom of attached photo) but is not showing it highlighted in colour.…
3 votes -
Touch outside the note window when editing = say bye to your text
When you edit an existing note if you touch outside the window of the note EVERY CHANGE IS ELIMINATED.
It is very annoying because:
A. You often lose your text.
B. This is not happening the first time you create the note, this makes the app use less cohesive.Sorry for any expresion mistakes, my mother language is Spanish.Sorry for any expresion mistakes, my mother language is Spanish.t eSorry for any expresion mistakes, my mother language is Spanish.
Felipe Aguilarelipe Aguilar2 votes -
1 vote
Fehler mit Document Cloud
Seit einigen Tagen lassen sich keine PDF Dokumente aus meiner Document Cloud auf dem IPhone XS Max mehr öffen. Ich bitte um Hilfe!
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1 vote
2 votes
Ne fonctionne pas avec ios 10.3.3
Off with ios 10.3.3
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The file move function does not appear on the options list . It seems to appear and disappear frequently. Why is that. Where can I find it or how can I move my files into folders
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Zoom does not work anymore
With the actual version released today, Acrobat does stop rendering large PDFs after zooming. In previous version it worked perfectly. Actualy I have to use other PDF viewers like iOS native to view such large PDFs
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?