365 results found
By default, Snapshot should produce higher-resolution images
The default resolution is too low in Edit, Preferences, General, Use fixed resolution for Snapshot tool images. The resolution should be fixed at a higher value, at least 300 ppi.
2 votes -
Restore the simple, clean layout of Reader 11, at least as an option, for those of us simple needs
Restore the simple, clean layout of Reader 11, at least as an option, for those of us simple needs. I want a simple document reader, not an editor. Thank you.
5 votes -
Keyboard Shortcuts for Page Display
Should have Keyboard Shortcuts for Page Display to cycle thru single-page, dual-page, etc.
5 votes -
On MacOS you handle multiple monitors very badly
I have the PDF view on my other monitor, not the laptops. When a dialog box comes up (search: no more instances) it ALWAYS goes to the laptop screen and is hidden. And of course it is model, so I need to find the stupid thing and press OK (another design friggen issue!)
To do this, I have to go down to my task bar, on the PDF viewer icon, right click to show all windows, and then finally the model dialog box pops up, on the laptop screen, not where the other window is.
1 vote -
Add a button to open next pdf in the same folder
To add a button to open the next pdf in the same folder.
Will help a lot with workflow and saving time
6 votes -
"round-trip" backlinks for endnotes
At the moment, endnotes in pdfs are hyperlinked to the endnote page, but there is no "round-trip" backlink from the endnote entry number back to the point of origin in text - as there is in epub documents.
This would be a very useful feature!1 vote -
Acrobat Reader DC Blocks Application Menu and Closing When Unauthenticated Mac OS X
I've found in using Acrobat Reader DC with an account for Mac OS X that when you open the application and are prompted for a password, you cannot click the Quit option (among others) in the application menu in the toolbar nor can you click the red X button in the upper left of the main application. You can't even close out Reader by right clicking in the dock and selecting Quit, something about the authentication form completely blocks other interaction with the application. Neither can you click the X in the authentication form. It is active, which is very…
1 vote -
Allow the clicking of the mouse wheel to enable scrolling via the mouse.
With all the programs I have tested I can click my mouse wheel and enable scrolling by moving my mouse. With Adobe Reader when I click the mouse wheel a hand icon appears with four arrows. As long as I hold the mouse wheel down I can scroll the document. What I am asking for is that the program have the feature so that I can release the mouse wheel and be able to scroll. With other programs this works until I depress a button, move the mouse wheel, or click the mouse wheel which resets the mouse scroll.
6 votes -
Web-Search option back to browser PDF-viewer right-click menu
I have to work with PDFs a lot and I have to deal with them via browser. For the past years I haven't had any problems with using the browser PDF-viewer, but as of recently the option to do a quick google search in a new tab when highlighting text within a document and right-clicking on it is no longer available. There is 'copy', 'print', 'rotate', 'save as' but not the 'search the web for [highlighted text]' which was so very helpful and useful for me. Please, consider making it available again since I can hardly imagine how anyone would…
3 votes -
Fraction line disappears with High-contrast colors (Kind of Dark Mode)
In a pdf containing fractions, the line that separates numerator and denominator is not visible with High-constrast colors on, even if you zoom in. Tried with "White text on black" option
1 vote -
I miss an option to reload/refresh PDF document
I have problem when PDF document is stored at network drive and my notebook has temporary problem with WiFi. Or when notebook is suspended and later resumed, network drive is not accessible for some time (I have to reconnect it manually). In such cases I see many blank pages in PDF file that was opened in the past (new pages are not read from the file). I have to close document and open it again. That is not nice and I believe that "refresh/reload" function will fix this problem. It is possible to find similar requests in the forums on…
14 votes -
2 votes
Enhance Thin Lines Off by default
Turn Enhance Thin Lines Off by default
1 vote -
Permit me to configure a background color for searched-for-and-found text
In some documents, there is by coincidence background colors that are very close to the color that Acrobat uses to enhance the visibility of searched-for text.
In Acrobat preferences there is no way of changing this background color. For me, searched-for-and-found would be shaded a bright yellow. The default value is nice on a white background, but no use on documents that happen to have a similar (slate blue) color background.
3 votes -
1 vote
Save all open tabs.
If you have multiple pdf open in tabs, one button to save them all into a single folder
10 votes -
Arabic OCR still not included
i downloaded adobe reader and subscribed in order to be able to convert PDF to DOCX files in Arabic but it doesn't work !!!
i need that very much at my work otherwise i will unsubscribe1 vote -
Outlook windows on Windows 10 becomes inaccessible when trying to share pdf file withtin Adobe Reader
When user tried to share pdf file from Adobe Reader(right hand upper corner) with share button via Outlook, it opens a new email. Until that email is sent, user is not able to access other Outlook windows open.
Adobe engineering Team has requested to raise a request for this so they can work with Microsoft to enhance this behavior.
2 votes -
Prevent home page from displaying after closing PDF document
The subject line says it all. Just another thing to close. Not the end of the world. Just an ongoing annoyance. Thanks.
3 votes -
Have the feature to change the navigation pane from the left side to the right side of the screen.
The idea is to be able to change the position of the navigation pane from
the left side to the the right side of the screen.This would be useful when making presentations and using the thumbnail view to advance pages forward instead of scrolling which can sometimes be difficult to control.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?