Combine Files in Browser - Order of Documents is not Alphabetical
Using Adobe Acrobat DC and Adobe PDF Services online.
I'm combining files with the same name with a number on the end, to indicate the order to combine the files.
When I drop them into the desktop app, no problem - they order in the same way that they would when I sort the files by name (alphabetically) and they put the files in order 1,2,3,4 - duh!
Drop them into the Combine PDF tool in Adobe PDF services in my internet browser (chrome), and it goes like this 2,3,4,1. Sometimes it's completely out of order like 3,2,4,1.
Would be good to have a setting that allows sorting by different characteristics (numerically, alphabetically, last modified, etc) while using the combine function, whether that be in the cloud or desktop app. This would save a lot of time for those with the cloud who have to manually rearrange those pdfs each time.

D Pagov commented
Why aren't the files automatically in the same order as the folder from which there being selected? Or even alphabetical order!?