Bug - Trying to add comments to a PDF from the webapp gives 404/Not Found for at least one UI language other than US English
Steps to reproduce
- Set UI language to e.g. "Norwegian"
- Open a document in Document Cloud
- Click "Edit" ("Rediger") > "Add comment" ("Legg til en kommentar") 3.1 Notice the "monitor icon" when hovering the link, which might indicate that the feature is not available in the webapp
- Be redirected to a 404/Not Found page (in the Norwegian case the URL is https://acrobat.adobe.com/no/nb/acrobat/features.html# as of 2020-07-04)
Expected result: Clicking the "Add comments" link will let the user add a comment, or at least redirect to an existing page.
Observed result: Clicking the "Add comments" link redirects to a non-existing resource when UI language is set to e.g. Norwegian.

AdminShikhar Kohli (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Even,
Thank you for reporting this. We will let you know as soon as this is resolved.
Shikhar Kohli
Product Manager