Single Sign On and/or Shared Doc. Library Cloud Environment
Stop selling subscriptions that have the words "Team" or "Business" in them if you're not going to allow for myself and employees to have a REAL sharing experience. It's 2020 - what SAAS company sells software that includes a cloud document file storage component (again - targeted towards businesses) in which the only way you can share and access the same files across org. users is to manually share via a link. Not to mention you can only share at the "per file" level. You can't even share folders. Is it really that difficult to allow for users within a given org. to be afforded the ability to access the same cloud doc library? And don't even tell me it costs more money for Adobe to open the environment up, because that's ridiculous. I pay nearly $1,000 a year for two seats and myself and employee have to "proactively" share individual file links. What a joke.