Adobe sign UX is the worst of any Saas in digital media. Worse than Zoho!
Your UX for the adobe sign and distribute tools is the worst of any SaaS in digital media today. Where to start, you ask? I would challenge you to create a form, like any form that any company producing any product would routinely submit for fills and approval, and try disseminating that. Typo in one of the email designees? You're ******. Want to create a template on the blank version of that form so you don't have to assign every entry field one-by-one? Advertised, but false. How about...try to assign more than one entry field to a single signer at once? Not a chance. The losers at Zoho are creating junk software that outperforms this service. Please fire your UX program manager and start from a clean sheet, or get out of the game!

Carol Lawrence commented
One of the three fundamental types of cloud computing is SaaS (software as a service - ), which, together with infrastructure as a service and platform as a service, is also known as cloud computing (PaaS). People from many walks of life, from IT experts to company owners to individuals, make use of software as a service (SaaS) solutions. It is possible to find anything from basic personal entertainment services such as Netflix to sophisticated information technology tools and services such as cloud computing. B2B and B2C customers often market SaaS solutions at the same time, and this is not uncommon in the software industry.