Bad commenting glitch
This is driving me insane. I keep running into this issue with comments (doesn't happen EVERY time, but it happens in every document without warning -- I end up having to reload it to make it work right again). The glitch happens when I highlight a word and begin typing my comment, and then as I type, the tool switches over to the "strikethrough" tool and begins posting EACH separate character/letter as its own separate comment. I do not do anything special here. I just type as normal, and every letter begins posting as its own comment (screenshot attached -- you can see in the doc to the left, where I've highlighted with the highlighter tool but Adobe decided to switch to the strikethrough tool, and in the comment column to the right, you can see every letter of my comment posted as its own comment (I was typing the word "don't" and each letter posted individually -- you can see the comment "d" followed by the comment "o" followed by the comment "n" etc.)

Hi Jessica Drennon,
Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced with Acrobat Web. Our team has found a fix for this issue and it will be fixed by Friday, 13th Sep 2023.
I will provide you with an update once the issue has been fixed.
Best regards,
Amit Gupta.