2262 results found
Acrobat DC on Windows crashes after 200+ characters typed
As the title says . Can’t find anywhere else to report this. Fix please.
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Close all files / tabs
Add "Close all files" option to Files menu, with keyboard shortcut; add "Close all tabs" option to tabs' right-click context menu.
2 votes -
Differntial Sync Document Cloud
Save partial change for larger files.
1 vote -
Cache Document Cloud for same PDF file hash.
Save bandwidth and network caps on large files.
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2 votes
Bug - Adobe Reader resets customized buttons on update
When Adobe Reader auto-updates, customized icons are reset to default. In my specific case, the "Previous view", "Next view", and "Fit to width" buttons disappear with irritating frequency.
I see no reason why this behaviour would be intentional, so it must be a bug.
1 vote -
Add more Page Display options
With the new widescreen and big monitors sometimes a maximum of 2 pages side by side doesn´t take advantage of the screen size. Adding the option to view 3 pages or even 4 pages horizontally would greatly improve workflow.
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Regarding the Adobe Sign document prep: it would be good to be able to "Go Back" to previous screens to edit, i.e. the email message
Regarding the Adobe Sign document prep: it would be good to be able to "Go Back" to previous screens to edit, i.e. the email message
1 vote -
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. File: C:/Users/Ganapathy/AppData/Local/Adobe/Reader 9.0/Se
How do I fix this please\
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
File: C:/Users/Ganapathy/AppData/Local/Adobe/Reader 9.0/Setup Files/AIR/Adobe AIR Installer.exe
Info ID: 32.414.03.2.20020
Please send the Info ID and file name to http://www.adobe.com/misc/bugreport.html1 vote -
Error printing form or second page blank
Filled PDF form cannot be printed on most systems, on some systems the second page prints blank.
Works fine when using Edge or Chrome as PDF viewer. This is on Windows 10 and 81 vote -
Adobe's default line spacing is set to 1.20, which is uncommon in documents. Change default to Single spacing 1.0 atleast make it an option!
Adobe's default line spacing is set to 1.20, which is uncommon in documents. Change default to Single spacing 1.0 or at least make it an option! This would be much more helpful instead of having to change it EVERY time I type a document which is so irritating and takes up a lot of valuable time. Please update the software so that the user can select the DEFAULT line spacing.
1 vote -
disable share pop up
Disable the share pop-up or add ability to set default share option, e.g. direct to attach to e-mail.
3 votes -
Bug: Problem with Windows Scaling high dpi
When I click on "search for new updates" on my acrobat reader on my windows laptop surface laptop 3, there appears a new window where acrobat checks whether there are new updates, but this window is blurred. You have to adjust your programm script so that acrobat reader can handle this situation. I think it has something to do with the windows scaling function. I have set the scaling as recommended on 150% on my laptop. If acrobat would be programmed correctly this shouldnt matter. Please fix this. As you can see in the attachment its badly blurred.
2 votes -
Bug introduced in latest Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - no option for duplex printing
After latest update to Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, the option to print on both sides disappeared. Had to edit the registry to prevent automatic updates (how are naive users supposed to cope?).
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Allow options to show dimensions in feet and inches rather than just inches.
I work with floor plans all the time and it bugs me that when all I need to do is a simple area measurement of feet and inches I have to settle for an area of just inches. I would like to have the option to at least pick how I want my measurements to appear on my document for more efficient measuring.
1 vote -
Stop seizing control of default apps on my computer.
I have a legal copy of Acrobat Pro X (Creative Suite) that I love (I use it over Creative Cloud supplied by my employer). PROBLEM: I cannot have Reader DC (needed for shared forms sent to me occasionally) installed at the same time as it always acts as default app even though the Windows 10 default app still lists Acrobat Pro. This is as infuriating as when Edge automatically changes this every time there is a Windows update. I already own Finereader 15 that does everything Acrobat does and more and does not require a monthly subscription. You lost a…
3 votes -
Ich habe den Photoshop 2020 im media markt gekauft habe aber kein Laufwerk auf dem Laptop kann aber nichts instalieren
Diese Seite hier bringt mir auch nichts alles in Englisch warum nicht in Deutsch habe kein laufwerk auf dem laptop habe alles genau der Reinefolge wie beschrieben gemacht aber immer kommt Fehler bei der seriennummer ????? Wann behebt man das mal .Seriennummer / abrufcode ???? wo kommt was hin . Adobe ist das bislang am schlechtesten zu instalierende Programm das ich je hatte.
Habe Testversion als Abbo runtergeladen will aber kein Abbo sondern nur das gekaufte Produkt verwenden alles super kompliziert .
Bin sehr angefressen és muss doch einfacher zu machen sein .1 vote -
Read Out Loud Function - highlight words or phrases as it is reading
The Read Out Loud function really needs to be updated so that it works better for individuals with reading difficulties, such as dyslexia. If they want this aspect of adobe to work well and actually benefit many of those who need it, it should highlight words and phrases as it is reading so that is easier to follow when reading, and know where in the text the reader is.
This will make the product a lot more accessible to people with dyslexia, dyspraxia or the likes.
3 votes -
Don't copy formatting when copy/pasting into comments
When copy/pasting text into comments it appears that formatting is kept. This means, for example, if you have dark mode on and you copy some text and paste it in a comment, the text will be white when in comment edit view. When the comment view view is active and in the main reader this extra formatting is suppressed (so the text is black).
Because the formatting is suppressed for display and cannot be edited in the comment editor, it should not be kept in the comment editor at all.1 vote -
Possible Bug: with Libre Office Writer 6.3 and later created Forms dont work properly
In a 2 page form the Textboxes and Options dont work when filling out with the current version of Acrobat Reader DC.
The Problem only occurs with forms created with Libre Office 6.3 and later versions.
The problem only occurs in Acrobat Reader.
Edge and Chrome can open and fill the form properly.The issue is either a Reader or a Writer issue, therefore a possible Bug was reported there as well: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134813
Attached is a not properly working form
1 vote
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