Adobe Sign suggestions
Adobe Sign, creating templates:
When expanding a category of fields used (see attached picture), leave all groups expanded. I am frustrated having to switch between groups... I want them ALL open so I can just pull out the field I need. It's a pain as it is. Simply put, allow me to see ALL field options in one window.
Secondly, ADD a feature to update the template document while retaining the original fields. Every time I update an internal document, some 5-10 pages long, I must create an all new template. What a time waster.
Lastly, Allow me to edit an emailed document that has not been signed. For example, I emailed a contract to a buyer yesterday and she wants to make a few changes. It will take me 40 minutes to complete an entirely new contract - there are 200 or so fields to fill out. Contact me if you need more info: 407-718-8955

Hi Carrie,
Thank you for your suggestions. We will look into these.
For your second request, it’s already available. You can make a copy of an existing template with these steps:
1. Use the existing template to Request Signatures
2. Enter recipients (you want to send the updated template to)
3. Click Next
4. Turn on Advanced editing (see screenshot)
5. Check the Save as template checkbox at the bottom
6. Update the document
7. Click Send
8. You will be able to provide a name for the new template
Hope this is helpful.
Adobe Sign Team