Can't edit, assign new permissions, or do literally anything, with a document that was authored, assigned, and released by myself. You suck!
Let me get this straight.... I received a partially-executed agreement from my direct report. I assigned the entry fields (one-by-one...ugh!) because your template tool basically is inoperable. But because I have a typo in the first signatory's email address, I have to trash the whole thing!? Well, not always, says adobe. Okay, but I'm the first signatory, this is MY document for MY program in MY department, but I can't edit the signatory to be myself? WTF is that about. And now that adobe sign tools blew it on this agreement, I have to set up the form anew. But actually I can't do that either, because when I open the form - either in the email attachment from my direct report or in document cloud, it says the form is secured. Okay, again - I'm the author of the form, I'm the one that secured it, and I'm the one trying to start the whole process again because Adobe sucks - but I can't. Because why? Because your UX manager is a ******.