1781 results found
Flickers on adobe acrobat ios on iphone xr
It flickers when we tap on the screen to show the menu bar. When it shows and disappears.
2 votes -
Ability to rotate text on fill in horizontal forms
Currently when working with horizontal forms my latest updated Acrobat DC on iPad Pro will not allow fill in text. Is there a work around?
3 votes -
Se apaga la pantalla
Cuando tengo un documento abierto, la pantalla no bloquea el brillo, es decir, mientras leo se apaga la pantalla si no pulso en ella.
He buscado en configuraciones y no existe la opción que enuncian en las soluciones del brillo.3 votes -
The e-mail address listed is no longer in use? How do i change my e-mail address
Hi I am busy with a divorce. Now the mail address listed is going to my husband? It is a huge problem because there are sensitive info that he will be able to see. How can you help me to change my old e-mail address to my new e-mail address?
1 vote -
Don’t flush cache for Dropbox files
For files in Dropbox, there is an icon with a cloud and an arrow pointing downwards, which allows me to download a offline copy that I can open later. This feature is similar to that of the iOS built-in “Files” app. However, for certain large pdf files, the Acrobat app sometimes re-displays the cloud icon next to the file’s name after certain period of time, requiring users to download it again (but being large is exactly why I need an offline copy!). The built-in “Files” app never does that; it seems to be keeping downloaded files for much longer time,…
3 votes -
I signed up to Adobe and instantly my Facebook Account was hacked. Coincidence or not?
1 vote -
Unused line at the top
On the iPhone X/XS, there is a thin line at the top-most part of the screen that is visible when viewing PDFs with photos or any non-white page in continuous mode. I think the display area size needs some fixing.
2 votes -
1 vote
I contacted y’all about my subscriptions and y’all still charged me $30!!!!!! I need my refund ASAP I didn’t even know y’all charged me
I contacted y’all about my subscriptions and y’all still charged me $30!!!!!! I need my refund ASAP I didn’t even know y’all charged me! I’m a broke college student I need my money please thank you!!!!
1 vote -
Black spots
Black spots appearing. Never had such problems. Will not continue using adobe if this bug is not fixed
2 votes -
Je douterais me désabonner.
Je souhaiterai me désabonner de vos service
1 vote -
Créer un .PDF à partir d’une page internet ?
Peut-on créer un .PDF à partir d’une page internet avec Adobe Acrobat Reader ?2 votes -
Cannot view pdf in my iPad / iPhone. Only happens with cloud documents. But I can see them in my lap
2 votes -
How do yo get in contact with a representative need help
I signed up but mistyped my email and now I cannot get in
1 vote -
how can i install the app into ios 9 ?
I need to install the into ios 9, is there an older version?
1 vote -
Night Mode missing from version 18.09.13
With the change to 18.09.13, the night mode viewing option is no longer available iPad - please reinstate this much used feature ( and which is still avialble on Android 18.3)
6 votesThank you for the feedback! We added night mode before iOS added “smart invert colors”. We removed night mode because we thought that our implementation was duplicating OS functionality. We heard loud and clear that users wanted Night Mode, so we added it back in a recent release.
How can I enable JavaScript debugger after acrobat is restarted in the ipad
I have a secured file and I want to open it in iPad but the iPad app. Is not supporting this features, so why?
1 vote -
There are many Adobe Apps I would like to use, but the subscriptions are just too expensive.
2 votes -
Send flattened copy
Since the last update. I'm not able to send flattened copy of my forms.
5 votes -
Where did the file rename feature go for files stored on the iPhone?
Where did the file rename feature go for files stored on the iPhone?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?