306 results found
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Jpg to PDF Conversion Quality Unacceptable
This is a screen shot of my jpg and the pdf conversion AFTER I told Acrobat not to reduce quality upon upload. 1.79mg to 435kb. It is unacceptable for printing and I CANNOT find PDF/X preference because tutorials don't match reality.
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Compression Issues
The compression did not work properly. A lot of fields were blank after compression
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I hate that i need to do tons work just to convert JPG to PDF. I rather go to random sketchy website and do it in seconds.
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Very good and balance program
Very good and balance
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better down low speed
just trying to convert One single jpg file to pdf one is at an all time low speed. if this is what I'm paying for you guys can keep this product.
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Demetrius boyd
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Bad free service, annoying advertisement
the worst free service I have ever used. not in any way encouraging me to want to commit to the paid verison
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Word to PDF conversion issues (online and desktop)
Adobe conversion from Word documents to PDFs is not converting graphics correctly. It does not convert using online version, desktop version, and a plain save to PDF from Microsoft Word. This has been going on for 2 years now and is extremely annoying. What is happening is colors are not rendering and some text is not rendering well.
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You lie
kurva szátokat semmiféle "free" funkció nincs, amit hirdettetek, hogy regisztráljon az ember. mindenhez a kurva előfizetéseteket eröltetitek rá, bármire nyom az ember. ez simán egy feljelentést érhetne a fogyasztó védelemnél, nemzetközin nyilván.
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pesima experiencia
pesima experiencia usar su sistema nada amigable todo lo complican arrepentido de contratar estan mas empeñados en vender quye en dar soluciones quiero convertir un pdf a word y me enseñan a registrar mis firmas eso que
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1 vote
pdf indirilmiyor
PDF düzenledikten sonra pdf formatını indiremiyorum veya sıkıştıramıyorum hata veriyor hatanın ne olduğunu bilmiyorum
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Combine tool adds files in random order
In Combine tool, the files selected from the PC are added to the document in random order - really guys?
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Importancia de mi estadía
Creo que la importancia de mi estadía en esta vida está en las huellas que dejo, en las relaciones que construyo y en cómo elijo mi propio camino. Al final, soy la única que puede darle sentido a mi vida, tomando decisiones que me transformen y me hagan crecer. No solo me desarrollo como persona, sino que también puedo impactar positivamente a los que me rodean. Cada paso y cada elección me ayudan a descubrir mi propósito y a darle una dirección a mi vida para vivirla de manera plena y consciente.
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pdf dosyalarım donuyor ve açamıyorum. sürekli olarak görev yöneticisinden açmaya çalıştığım dosyayı iptal etmem gerekiyor
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Compress a PDF function not working
None of Adobe Acrobat is working for me. I use the 'Compress a PDF' for work and this function has been running an error message for the past day every time I try to use it. It says the task can't be completed. I've tried logging out and in again, restarting my computer and attempting different versions of my PDF to compress.
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Tarvitsen vain Adobe Readerin, ei muuta
Miten saan poistettua Adobe Expressin????
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creative cloud desktop is horrible.
Adobe has become a horrible mess... i paid for a subscription so i can edit a pdf. for the past hour i'm getting bounced between adobe acrobat and creative cloud desktop. all for what? i'm just trying to change password on a pdf. adobe creative cloud just lost you a customer
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you make every sigal thing for pro
I hate you make the word to pdf pro and every singl thing for pro f##jk
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?