Missing signed documents, overview, reminder options
I can't find documents already signed. I had some documents in the previous version i need to download. I can't find those. Also where would I find signed documents in the future.
The previous version also let me resent or sent a reminder. How do I do that now?
bertrand ngufor commented
Very important documents
bertrand ngufor commented
I wish all my documents can be reinstall since from the first of October 2024
Admingunderwa (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Laurence,
The switch is named 'Adobe Sign Manage' and is available on the Manage page -
laurence levy commented
where is the switch to go back to the older version ? I cannot see the signed documents.
Hi Hildur
Thanks for your feedback, we have put a switch to take you back to the Adobe Sign manage page. Please let us know if you see any issues accessing the Adobe Sign manage page. We are constantly monitoring these forums and taking a note of the feedback being provided by every customer. We hope to continue improving the user experience for Document Cloud in coming days.
Abhinav Nallagundla
Software Engineer, Adobe -
Jessica Wong commented
Hi Hildur,
Reminders should now be available. You can click on the checkbox on the left hand side of the document on the file list, which should show you a list of actions you can take on the document. Click on the "Reminder" action to view your existing reminders, delete your reminder, or add another reminder.You can find more information here: https://helpx.adobe.com/document-cloud/help/send-for-signature.html in the "Track agreements Sent for Signature section.
Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.