Adobe Sign GUI
What happened to the column that told me who I sent the form to? That was a useful feature. Please put it back. Now the column says "owner" and lists: you, you, you, you, etc. That's a useless feature. I know who I am. What I need to know is who I sent the form to.

Admingunderwa (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thank you for the feedback. To check the recipients of a form please follow the below steps:
1) Login with your account
2) On the right hand panel (RHP) click on 'For Signature', you should get navigated to manage page
3) Select the agreement
4) On the left hand panel (RHP) scroll down to the recipient's section. You will find the list of all the recipients.Hope this helps, please feel free to write back if you face any issue.
Document Cloud Web Team