All documents wont display to add signature, and then shows Request e-signature services aren't available.
Having tropuble sending documents to sign.

AdminLucia (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Eduardo,
After further analysis, were you logged in with your personal-profile or the business-profile? Please check, and try to log out and log back in with your business-profile. There should be an option to select a profile after you have entered user/pwd and proceed -- choose your company/business profile.Regards,
Adobe Acrobat Sign Team -
AdminLucia (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Eduardo,
Please provide additional information, a screenshot showing the issue will be great (if possible). Are you trying to request signature via the web or desktop app? It will be great if you could provide the steps/workflow that lead to your issues: (1) when you don't see "add signature" option in your workflow, and (2) when you see the error message that the "Request e-signature services aren't available."Regards,
Adobe Acrobat Sign Team