Cannot download copy of signed document
There used to be a feature that after you sign a document sent via email from another entity, I would get the option to download the document I just signed. However I no longer get this option and now I cannot access the document after I have signed it. Please bring back the option to download a copy of the signed document!

Hello Megan,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature. Please try following this steps:
- Login into Acrobat Web
- On the top bar, select Documents, should be to the right side of Home
- In Documents, scroll down the left panel until the end
- In Agreement section, click Completed
- Search in the list for the document you wish to download and click on it
- A panel should open in the right with the thumbnail of the document and details
- In Action section click Download PDF
With this you should be able to download the agreement you want.
If the agreement is not in this section, there's a possibility that the agreement has not been completed by all the parties or is missing your signature. You can search for it in the left panel either in In progress section or Waiting for you.
Please let us know if this resolves your issue.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team