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Acrobat Reader for Windows and Mac

Help us improve Adobe Acrobat Reader for Windows and Mac by sharing your feedback. Follow the instructions below to submit a feature request or bug report.

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UserVoice is a third-party platform for product feedback. The Adobe Acrobat Reader DC team regularly reviews ideas and incorporates them into product planning discussions. We can’t guarantee specific features or development timelines, but we read every suggestion and respond where we can. Please note that feedback is voluntary, and if you provide feedback, you give Adobe the right to use it without restrictions.

For all other questions and discussions, visit the Support Community for Acrobat.

If you are still using Adobe Reader 11.x or other older versions, please note that those are no more supported by Adobe. Try out the latest, Acrobat Reader DC.
In case your concern is not addressed in the latest version, please report the issue against Acrobat Reader DC.

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Acrobat Reader for Windows and Mac



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2227 results found

  1. "Checked" radiobutton value is only working in Acrobat Reader when:

    First radio button value is "0".
    Radio button values are consecutive integers.
 — here I spent several hours to identify this issue.

    Here is this post with the layout —

    Result pdf:

    See the file attachment.

    Displays in different viewers: see file attachments.

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  2. Dear Adobe team, please add adobe scan to Microsoft Surface Pro (X).

    At the moment, in order to use Adobe scan, you need to use your cell phone and then upload the scan to the cloud.

    On the one hand this is very time consuming, on the other hand it requires an active internet connection, which cannot always be guaranteed, especially when you are not at home.

    With an integration of Adobe Scan on Surface Pro (X), you could make very fast professional scans offline.

    I know that you have added Adobe Scan to the iPad, which could be compared…

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  3. We need a translator inside, if i am reading a document in another language, i would like to translate the word just with clicking in

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  4. I hope Acrobat Reader can keep all my reading history, so I can revisit the memory when I'm old.

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  5. Hi. I would like to see in future versions two new improvments:
    1) set the "read mode" as de default viewing when opening every PDF file, instead of having to press "Ctrl+H" each time (just add an option in Preferences);
    2) create a new form of navigation throughout the file, a full screen thumbnail view, with page thumbnails side by side similar to what Adobe made with "Adobe Reader Touch" (too bad you discontinued that app) with a button shortcut to access it;


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  6. After opening Acrobat Reader DC (in a windowed mode, not in tabbed), it, for some mysterious reason, switches off the Windows 10 Explorer setting for windows to cast shadows. It results in focused folder windows becoming visually borderless, making it very difficult to work with them.
    The problem was described here for Acrobat DC:
    but it fully (and even more irritably) applies to Acrobat Reader DC, too.

    It seems that for some reason, Acrobat Reader changes (switches off) each time the inherent Windows setting which can be found in System > Visual Effects tab > Show shadows under windows…

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  7. When I click to link to a video clip, Acrobat Pro DC asks my permission since it might harm my PC, and it gives me a box to check to say 'No, don't ask me again'. Also, I can go to Edit > Preferences and say 'Always' grant permission for whichever available players are listed. That solves a serious problem for me since my PDFs have over 100 little video clips in them, and readers will hate having to give permission again and again and again. Unfortunately these capabilities exist only in Acrobat, not in Reader. When I click to…

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  8. The key to open help is F1. It should not also be F2. I was using F2 for Discord/Push-to-talk, and now Acrobat Reader DC opens a web page every time.

    Please restore the behaviour of the previous version of Acrobat Reader DC.

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  9. It would be nice if you could make a more affordable version of Acrobat, or an add-on to the Reader, with just TWO capabilities: merge pdfs and password protect. Users like me do not need to modify pdfs, convert from MS Office, sign, etc. etc. etc. And once or twice a month need to merge or password protect so a monthly fee to Adobe is rediculous for occasional use. If built into Reader, which I'm sure you won't do, that would be very nice of you so that users like me could do the simpler tasks without having to use…

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  10. When creating a new certificate there is the option to "right align" the entries. In the preview it seemed to invert the position of Name and Date/Time fields (which is what I was looking for, actually), and the strings looked good. After having inserted the signature and reviewing the stored document the actual date and time strings read backwards (c.f. screenshot attached: top row "auto" alignment, bottom row "right" alignment).
    While the reverted strings may be a bug, the actual feature request would be to have two options:
    - left / right center alignment of the entries, if you consider…

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  11. Basic infos


    OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard // 10.0.14393 // 64 bit

    Adobe Acrobat Versions :

    • DC 20.009.20074

    • DC 20.006.20042

    • Classic Track 2020

    Setup 2:

    OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard // 6.3.9600 // 64 bit

    Adobe Acrobat Versions :

    • DC 20.012.20041

    Problem Description / Situation

    • Windows Explorer preview is active.

    • Adobe Reader is the preview handler

    • Select a file that is on a smb fileshare and send delete request.

    Expected behaviour.

    • file gets deleted

    Observed behaviour

    • following error occurs

      • Windows Dialog > File is in Usage of Explorer. > close the file and retry.
    • presists no matter…

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  12. Please allow the ability to copy and paste html into the password box for a PDF document.

    Most users copy and paste the password from an email, which will be in html format.

    But the password box only accepts plain text so you can't copy and paste it from an email. You have to paste it first into a text file, and then copy and paste it from there which is just more time consuming than necessary.

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  13. Can you please hide the Acrobat Standard features, or allow the user to hide them.

    I appreciate you want to encourage users to purchase the license for Standard DC, but it is mis-leading showing the features on the right side of Reader DC if you can't even use them.

    Having the option to hide these features from Reader DC would be good

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  14. In my case, I'm perfectly happy with the way Adobe chose to implement this (I haven't actually tried the upgrade yet - I'm just responding to other comments here). In addition to documents that come to me with comments I need to see, I open plenty of random PDFs that have no comments, and in those cases I wouldn't want the pane to take up space.

    But I suppose if Adobe wants to make everyone happy, in a future upgrade they could expand the setting to be a three-item radio selection instead of a checkbox:
     Show Comments Pane upon opening…

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  15. The sequence of UI actions below causes a repeatable freeze for me.

    (Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Release 2020.006.20042
    Windows 10 Home version 1909 build 18363.815)

    1. Open a pdf
    2. Ctrl-H (Read Mode) [use full height of screen]
    3. Ctrl-0 (Zoom to page) [that's a zero, not a letter]
    4. (optional): read document
    5. Esc (leave full-screen mode)

    Expect: exits full screen view, restore document in pane with bookmark sidebar

    Actual: exits full screen view, but freezes. Window still occupies full screen. Content areas are BLACK. Menubar and tabs reappear, but tabs are unresponsive. Right sidebar border appears, but not left sidebar.

    Workaround: after freeze,…

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  16. Adobe Acrobat DC cannot open a second file. This bug should be fixed.

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  17. I have a bad experience scrolling and reading pdfs on pc
    because its very laggy , while on ipad and the mobile version of this app its very smooth
    I hope you can solve this problem

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  18. We Desperately Need To Be Able To Control How Much Zoom We Want In Full Screen Mode.
    The Ctrl+ And Ctrl- Just Take Such Big Steps And I Cannot Adjust The Right Amount Of Zoom I Want.

    I Hope It's Not Too Difficult To Understand Or To Implement ... Because Without This, I Cannot Use Adobe Acrobat/Reader

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  19. Why full reader search opens in an new window instead of same window where the file is open ?

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  20. Why is Advanced search opens in a separate window, please add advanced search option in the same window where the file is open .

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