268 results found
Washing my hands of Adobe
Hello friend. There's a google link titled "PDF to JPG: Convert PDFs to images free online - Adobe", but trying to do it results in a pop-up for a subscription.
Thank you for nurturing that special kind of customer dissatisfaction that results in the hatred of a company.1 vote -
This things are going wrong! We have to pu..😖😱
1 voteHi Abbas,
Thanks for contacting us. Could you please help us understand the issue you are facing.
Edit/Add Comment Feature - Issue with it
Hello, the line that is used to strike/cross wording in PDFs is very light. I am running into issues where a third party does not notice my striking of words, which is troublesome. Can you please darken and thicken the line??
1 vote -
mauvais service
Difficile à rejoindre une personne dans qui s'exprime en français et encore plus difficile de procéder à la fermeture d'un compte.
1 vote -
Downloads double up comments
Your product downloads double ups and will not open a file from the cloud if it has more than 1000 comments. The file online says it has 864 marks ups but when I download it, it has 1459. I can't work out what is double and what is now. It wastes time.
1 vote -
1 vote -
This version really sucks-- where is all the tool like typewriter
1 vote -
Annullamento spontaneo
Vorrei poter parlare con qualcuno. Il 5 aprile avete preso (due volte tra l'altro) la quota mensile dell'abbonamento, dopo i 7 giorni di prova. Oggi in data 14 mi dite che é in scadenza, ma siete di fuori? Grazie e saluti RESTO IN ATTESA
1 vote -
comments interface
hard to tell what is highlighted in the comments and not. Is blue a highlight or is a white a highlight? Seems unintuitive. Same with the filters section. The gray and the white – I can't remember which means it's selected. Please take a look at how Google handles commenting on docs and do something similar. They seem to have it figured out as I never find myself having to think about it there.
1 vote -
Very Upset
I needed to download a document sent to me in Adobe. I was forced to download the program onto my computer and now this is pervading everything I do. And you want to charge me for it by Friday. It's disgraceful that companies do this to try to get people to buy their products. I hate this program - it's a mess and will get it off my computer. But the time taken with all this is very annoying
1 vote -
Editing comments that included mentions
I'm not able to view/edit a mention to make sure that I added the correct recipient. Also, when mentions are in the comment, the edit experience isn't very friendly with content pushed to the side
1 vote -
FIX YOUR BROKEN PROGRAM Take 4 minutes to print a PDF with adobe. WTF
Get your head out of your . Your program works for *
1 vote -
أخطاء فقط. إذا لم يكن إرسالك ميزة منتج أو اقتراحا أو سؤالا عن المنتج، فقد تتم إزالته. فقط تحميل المحتوى الذي لديك إذن لاستخدام والامتناع عن
أخطاء فقط. إذا لم يكن إرسالك ميزة منتج أو اقتراحا أو سؤالا عن المنتج، فقد تتم إزالته. فقط تحميل المحتوى الذي لديك إذن لاستخدام والامتناع عن نشر المعلومات الشخصية (عنوان المنزل، رقم الهاتف، عنوان البريد الإلكتروني، الرقم التسلسلي، أو معلومات بطا
1 vote -
Slow upload - unsatiisfactory
In recent times I find the uploading of documents and conversion extremely slow - very often not completing. Very unsatisfactory. I have High Speed Broadband (400+mbps + ethernet cable)so this should not be happening.
1 vote -
Comments randomly deleted
Absolutely worthless. Deleting one comment deleted all the comments in my document. Before telling me to git gud, this behavior is reproducible and consistently doing the same each time I delete a single comment. So you git gud.
When I use the Android application, sharing a file with comments using a sharing link again deletes all comments locally stored in the Android device. Congratulations on a fine piece of un-productivity software.
1 vote -
Awful Marketing
Will never have a subscription to any software. This is not feasible for persons who do not have a business. The most selfish greedy idea ever to be marketed. Make software that people can purchase at a reasonable price.
You pay $10-15 a month for this, for that, and all the others. Stupid Stupid Stupid!!1 vote -
Adding ability to leave voice notes
As I teach design courses where students submit PDFs of their work, I would love to have the option to leave a voice "note" directly in their file.
I do love the ability to "mark-up" their work with the embedded tools, however!
1 vote -
Lousy conversion and solution?
My conversion result is not satisfying.
Do you perhaps have a better solution?
Please see file attached.Cheers,
Y1 voteThanks Yessy for sending the PDF file. We are currently looking at the issue and let you know once resolved.
Shweta -
software basura
NO me resulto util el primer documento pdf a word que copnverti es totalmente ilegible, creo que esta compra es un error no lo recomiendo
1 vote -
Cancelled before
I believe this is the second time I’ve cancelled. Not sure why I was billed for Oct when I had previously canceled
1 voteThanks Paul for reaching out to us and apology for the trouble. We are reviewing your issue internally and will et back to you.
- Don't see your idea?