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Acrobat Web



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129 results found

  1. need apps to sync on Mac computer for offline or open quickly even when online.

    and also mobile apps cache features for the same porposes.

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  2. Como posso recuperar arquivo do Adobe scaner que deu falha ao salvar?

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  3. Hallo, ich bin Adobe Creative Suite Pro User. Ich zahle viel Geld dafür und bin grundsätzlich zufrieden mit der Leistung. ABER, was ich nicht verstehe ist warum die Dokumente, welche in der Desktop (MAC) App und Chrome Browser Version als Vereinbarungen bezeichnet werden so nicht in der Adobe Reader DC App auf dem Iphone angezeigt werden können. Auch in der Übersicht unter Zuletzt Verwendete sehe ich die Vereinbarungen/Dokumente in der IPhone app nicht vs. der Browser bzw. Desktop Version. Anbei das Transkript mit Ihrem Kundenservice Mitarbeiter. Das ursprüngliche Problem mit dem "Einfrieren" liegt erfreulicherweise nicht mehr vor. Anbei einige Screeshots,…

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  4. Ich habe viele gescannte Dokumente die ich in Unterordnern ablegen, umbennen und organisieren muss. Dies ist bisher sehr sehr umständlich und kaum machbar. Mit Lösungen wie Google Drive oder Dropbox die eine Explorerähnliche Oberfläche und Features wie z.B. Drag&Drop mitbringen kann die Document Cloud leider überhaupt nicht mithalten. Dies wird über kurz oder lang zu einer beendingung des Abbonements führen.

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  5. 1 vote

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    TEL.818-260-0016.ACCOUNT NAME:JOSE REY DABALOS-DATED 08242020.

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  7. Is there a way that I can see a list of my PDFs and their folders? My workflow is to scan a bunch of papers and then move them to the folder they belong in. But I need to be able to see all this info simultaneously to identify PDFs not moved to a folder.

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  8. Prezados senhores:
    Foi meu primeiro uso em "teste" ainda. Precisava acrescentar a expressão "LIDO ATÉ AQUI" no texto. Fiz isto e... o que eu esperava é que pudesse salvar o arquivo. A opção que encontrei era "enviar arquivo". Não quero enviar, quero salvar para meu uso pessoal. Tentei "Criar o link" Deu o seguinte erro: send.error_timeout. Não consegui realizar o meu intento. O que fazer? Como nem consegui o que precisava, desisti do produto. Alguma solução?

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  9. la consommation générale de CO2 et de Kwh est due pour presque la moitié aux réseaux et serveurs c'est pourquoi il ne faut pas continuer dans cette voie pour sauver le climat.
    Un membre des GPC (Grand Parents pour le Climat)

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  10. It would be great to have the ability to permanently delete an archived file from the system.

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  11. Boy does this online experience SUCK. I just want to edit the fields of a PDF, and I used to be able to do that on my desktop. Now you make me upload the document and go to something called Adobe fill and sign. I wait 5+ minutes while a circle spins and the message is Loading Adobe Sign...

    Forget it! This is just STUPID. Goodbye.

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. in this new layout, you cant see in the echosign document lists which contracts are signed and which are still pending to be signed. There is no separate list or colour coding at all.

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  14. This platform is terrible. Where are my templates? Why does the "create template" keep disappearing in the menu? I am so disappointed in this Adobe product.

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  15. Your website Doc Cloud Files are difficult to Navigate. It is hard to Rename the files. Some are for Viewing only, others for Sharing, Review, Signature. Let me put ALL my Scanned files in ONE folder, from there, I should Open them, "Save As" Rename them, and that is it.

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  16. Why is it so ungodly difficult to delete an "agreement" i uploaded? I have "adobe sign manage" turned on in settings like i found in the Adobe Community forum, but there is STILL no delete option. This is a design failure.

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  17. Unable to log into creative cloud keeps signs me out

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  18. Would love a this feature:
    1. Inlanta would love to request documents from our customers to be delivered through the Acrobat interface or routed to another secure location.

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  19. You can put access to Document Cloud back into Acrobat DC Standard

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  20. My video, my private, my photo

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