Cannot Upload Files
Hi! I am an Adobe Employee, Emily Jansen. The upload functionality has not been working on Document Cloud for 2 weeks. I keep getting the message "Error Uploading - Timeout or network error". My colleagues have told me that they are experiencing the same issue. I use the Document Cloud to share presentations with customers and this is forcing me to use competing solutions like DropBox. I primarily use Google Chrome as my browser.
We identified and corrected an issue that was affecting uploads of large files.
Dana Zumwalt commented
I can't upload my documents?
John Tribble commented
Hi. I really counted on you for realiability. I can not find my cival lawsuit from GOVERNOR ABBOTT. AND I REALLY NEED IT. PLEASE HELP ME. IT AS IF YOU THROUGH IT AWAY PUT IY ON A CLOUD OR SOMETHING REDICULOUS. HELP.
AdminJennifer Vu (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Emily, we are looking into the file uploading issues. Can you please provide some info:
1. Test account (Adobe ID)
2. File size
3. Are you uploading via File upload or file sharing?