Acrobat Agreements Page Needs Work
Why is the agreements page so vague and confusing? The only status updates I see is if an agreement has been opened - shouldn't there be a display that indicates that the agreement has been signed (or at least what stage it's in)? And why does the app create a "legacy" version of the document?
Also, I'm seeing agreements from last year that are now mixed in with more recent agreements (so I'll be scrolling and see 2024 2024 2024 2023 2023 2024 2024. Why is that?

Thank you for your feedback. Make sure you are under All agreements in Documents page, here you can see the status of your agreement, the date that was modified which you can click to sort them how you want. As seen in the attached screenshot.
Another point you mention is the existent of legacy agreements, this shows when the agreements was made in the legacy version of Request Signature, if you use templates with unsupported features in the new version it will create them in the old one.
Please let us know if you have any other question and feedback.
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