268 results found
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telechargement de l'app
On paye un abonnement pour des apps, mais c'est tellement compliqué de les téléchager sur le site...
Sérieusement, un simple bouton visible "télécharger" suffirait...
Pardonnez moi, mais un peu saoulé après avoir passé 15 min à essayer de reteelcharger Adobre Acrobat...
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In general, Acrobats products help me a lot in my work
This is mainly to avoid modifying text files. So PDF files are safe compared to other text editors
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feedback test123
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loose ends
There is no way you can ask for a feedback from a co-worker, before signing a document. It would be nice if I forwarded a document to someone, added an initials field for him, and then he/she could review it, reject it, or forward it back to me with a new filed for signatures.
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Comments on a Shared document
If a shared document could allow a user to add a layer for comments where a teacher or team member could write comments or grade directly on the shared document, you would have tool the thousands of educators would migrate to. I would like to use my stylus to hand write and annotate to explain to students what their mistakes are and finally write their score on the top of the document and return it to them without needing to download a local copy.
2 votes -
Comment feature
Share the document with comments. Enable comment option in the document to suggest changes
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Comment delete/resolve capability in Cloud not working
I own the document and am logged in, but am not able to delete or resolve comments. This is a huge pain and I have searched through help but can't see how to solve. This document has dozens of comments, some are fixed, some are not, but I have to wade through them all.
2 votes -
No download button in some files. So it is difficult to download the pdf file. Worthless
1 vote -
no option to remove a user from send for comment review cycle
Remove a user from send for comment review document without cancelling the sharing of file. There is no option to remove one single use that I have added in the review cycle through send for comment.
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highlight sorunu
telefonumdan pdf i highlight edebiliyorken tarayıcıdan açtığımda highlight özelliği yok, bu ne kadar saçma bir şey
1 vote -
Comment icon making shared PDF hard to read
Hi! I LOVE that there's a way to send a PDF out for group edits. We've encountered an issue, though - if there's a comment, we can't read what's beneath the icon. See the attached example. I hope this is something that can be easily fixed - InVision is a good example of this feature well done. Thank you!
angie@bowandarrowpet.com2 votes -
Font in feedback form is way too small
Make he font in this form readable on a smartphone screen. It's TINY!!!
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enable shape drawing
Please enable the ability to draw shapes in shared files.
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Bugs - can't delete and can't see parts of the document
I added a comment to this document that the software will not let me delete. Very annoying. Also, when using the comments feature and zooming in, I can't scroll enough to the right to be able to see the entire document with the comment side window open. The only way to see it to zoom back out and then shift the screen. Really annoying!
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Resolving not working
When I click "resolve" under a comment, it isn't resolving. I like to check off when I'm finished with an edit and then filter out what is unresolved to see what I have left to do. I've tried logging out and logging back into my adobe account and the problem is still occurring. My entire creative team is having this issue.
3 votes -
Deleting links in bulk
I would like to be able to unshare documents on mass. I use Adobe for my reports and want to disconnect people from my Adobe library after three months. Otherwise they have eternal access. OK if they download it.. A lot don't but are able to follow my historical link.
1 vote -
Avril/Eric and board --
would it be aproppriate to use some of th efunding for $25 gas cards or $25 grocery gift cards>? Ralph's/Superior/Grcery outlet?and perhaps (?) a cultural cleansing/smudge for guidance and voting success each week for the 4 weeks prior to the ballots being sent in?
just thoughts
this is great
Roberta1 vote -
Descargar comentarios
¿Hay dorma de descargar los comentarios junto con el texto seleccionado donde muestre tambien el color?
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?