Soft hypen changes not showing in Acrobat DC PDF Compare Report
Hi Team
Issue in PDF Compare
SUBJECT: DC compare PDF soft hypen changes not shown
Issue: While comparing the below mentioned 2 PDF in Acrobat DC
a. Soft hypen checkingFPPCS6.pdf
b. Soft hypen checkingREVCS6.pdf
In "Soft hypen checkingREVCS6" there is soft hypen changes in First paragraph 3rd and 4th line, and in Second paragraph 3rd and 9th line.
In DC compare report it not showing the changes in both Textual and visual compare. I attached the DC compare report
If we compare the same in Acrobat 7 Textual compare Side by side report in shows the error. I attached the Acrobat 7 compare report for your reference
Indesing and PDF source file user for testing
I also upload the source file and PDF of the tested file for your reference. Indesign version CS6
It contain Acrobat 7 compare report, Acrobat DC compare report and supporting Indesign and PDF file
Indesign CC 2015
Mac OS