Rotate Clockwise Save
Hello Adobe Engineering Team,
In prior versions of Adobe, when I opened a document and right-clicked on it to rotate it to the proper orientation, the Save option appeared to allow me to quickly save the changed orientation.
Latest version of Adobe requires me to click on Organize pages feature, select the pages, click the rotate buttons to orient the pages correctly, then Save option appears.
There are a lot more steps needed in latest version of Adobe to quickly change a PDF document's orientation than in prior versions.
It would be nice to allow users to save a PDF documents orientation in view mode.

David, eh? commented
I've got the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (20.013.20064).
- I opened a PDF that showed the wrong rotation of the doc
- I clicked View / Rotate view>counterclockwise (doc is now showing correct orientation)
- I clicked File>Save As: and chose the same folder and same doc name. Adobe correctly asks me if "Replace existing file?" I answer "Yes" then exit the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
- I notice in the Windows Explorer that the doc has a new update date/time
- I open that same file
--> RESULT: It is still in the OLD orientation. The clockwise rotation I applied was NOT saved.