Edit formatting for multiple form fields at once
Since there's a push to make publically available PDF's meet ADA accesibility standards, we've been creating the base form fields in inDesign and then doing finishing touches in Acrobat Pro. It's annoying enough that you can't set formatting in the base doc (ie if it should be a number, date, percentage etc). The fact that there's no way to format multiple fields at once is worse. If more than one field is selected, the "format" tab literally disappears from the properties menu.
I'd just copy the original fields to preserve their settings, but then I'd have to do a lot to get it to read properly in the order in order to meet accessibility standards. It works much better to set the order by using anchored form fields in the inDesign doc, but then all the formatting has to be done manually in inDesign. That's a pain when there's 300+ form fields in a doc.

Samuel Beauvois commented
Does somebody have a workaround for this issue ?
Roger Helmer commented
I only use Acrobat DC Pro and it is an ENORMOUS pain in the *** to have to change multiple fields when you can not do more then one, if your using the FORMAT Tab.
kplum commented
ok, this hasn't been fixed since 2018 post. nuff said.
jezabellabingbong commented
Plus one on the multple field changes in format. Please include all field functionality that is available in Acrobat into the form field in InDesign
KM commented
The fact that we cannot format more than one form field at a time is absolutely absurd. Adobe Pro for iOS is lacking so many features that are available on PC. Figure it out ADOBE!
Jenny Haight commented
As an addendum to this request, it is frustrating that when you have multiple field types in a document, you can't select all of a certain kind at once. For example, I have a 72 page document with auto generated fields (text and checkbox). I want to change the font characteristics on the text all at once but when I select all it includes the checkboxes. And vice versa for the checkboxes.
Mariah commented
Edit to second paragraph:
**then all the formatting has to be set manually one by one in Acrobat (not inDesign). -
Mariah commented
To clarify, the issue is that you can't edit the "format" property when multiple form fields are selected in Acrobat.
It would also be nice if there was a way to set the "format" property when creating interactive form fields in the base inDesign document.