Full-function Surface Pen/Digital Stylus input and options
Basically, make it easier to use Surface Pens and digital stylus with Acrobat Pro. Look at Drawboard PDF, a $10 purchase with lifetime updates. It is 100x more feature-rich for using pen input/stylus input. Please add this into Acrobat so I don't have to switch between PDF programs constantly. Also, for goodness sake, fix the Erase feature. It literally takes a scrubbing to get rid of a stray line while using a pen in Acrobat. Make it like every other program in the world -- when I erase one part of a pen stroke, the whole pen stroke gets erased. Lacking this functionality makes your pen use a punishment. Please fix.

Greg commented
Looks like this request that has the most votes related to improving Acrobat functionality with a hardware pen, but is super old. Disappointing that you're apparently not working on improving this. I believe you have the only solution capable of editing PDFs directly in Microsoft Teams (at least in my corporate environment) but your handwritten note capabilities are terrible. I've used Xodo but it doesn't help me with files in Teams...have to download them, take notes on them in Xodo, then re-upload them to Teams. Also, pen functionality is useful for signing documents digitally with a "wet" signature that banks will accept (one that is not the same every time). Taking handwritten notes on a PDF seems like such basic functionality for PDF software, it's hard to believe the inventor of the PDF has about the worst tools that I've seen.
Rob Mintzes commented
I emphatically concur with all of these. Maybe you can have this ready for the next Adobe MAX and make a lot of people happy!
Anonymous commented
It is 18 months since this was suggested. Please could someone provide an update on a likely timescale for resolution. Most of my colleagues use alternative software simply because this deficiency makes using Acrobat so frustrating.
Drawboard PDF costs £10 and is infinitely superior from a usability point of view on a tablet device. My job involves marking up large numbers of PDFs and having to switch between the pen tool and "move" tool is infuriating.
I have raised the same query with with your support line and on the forum and have now been directed here.
Ian commented
Agreed. Also, please differentiate between pen and fingers... i.e. when I have "pen" selected, then use my finger to try to scroll the document, please don't simply think I want to draw vertical lines on the page; instead, know the difference and toggle back to scroll when fingers are used.