Need to show all the comments in column, not just name of commenter
Each new release you make takes away from my productivity!
1. The new version of Acrobat Pro shows the right col. Comment list by name of commenter, but I need to see the entire list of the marked comments/changes. This function seems to have disappeared with the recent release. The comment col. as a scroll list view showing all corrections/changes is also a great checklist to make sure all client and manager changes have been made. I review and proofread many, many PDFs each day and it's very frustrating to have to open each comment one-by-one.
2. Each opened comment box covers up the area in the copy on the PDF that has the change marked (we're reviewing and changing marketing copy primarily for health insurance plans and other text-heavy files), so there are lots of changes on each page.) Covering up the change isn't helpful.
3. When I'm marking up corrections/changes to the PDF, and have to revise what's been written as a comment in the comment box, the previous comment text can't be highlighted/typed over (as with a Word document) but one has to go back to the comment box and remove the unwanted text (this function was available in previous versions).