Rethink the Automatic Update behavior for the Acrobat app
Like many users I was caught off guard by the automatic October 2018 update that significantly changed things (for the worse, as usual). I wasn't even aware that Acrobat had automatic updates turned on! All the other CC apps simply notify you via Creative Cloud when an update is available, and I choose whether or not to install it. Why is Acrobat different?
Apps from other companies have a prominent dialog during initial install that asks whether you want to install updates automatically or not. I don't recall ever seeing this type of notice for Acrobat.
At the very least, there needs to be a popup message that says "Acrobat has just updated" or "welcome to version XXXX" or something, so we aren't totally confused by a sudden new interface that we didn't ask for.
And yes, I'm now aware that there is a preference to turn off auto updates, but it's buried and it was never made obvious that it's turned on by default.

Evan commented
Or perhaps limit the automatic updates to only include bug fixes and security enhancements. Make it so that major releases always require consent? That would be ok.