Make a full automated converter
Comparing with other available toolkits, Adobe gives the best output in document conversion. Unfortunately, the team decided -for some reasons - to limit the automation capabilities of the software. A piece of advice from a machine learning/Natural Language Processing/Data science perspectives: you can do a lots more if you open on Big Data community. Companies have dumps of millions of PDF and receive a thousand of PDF each day. Unfortunately, they can do nothing with it because open source softwares are terrible ...... Big noisy Data isn't that useful in data science. An automated - highly parallelized - web service for converting PDF isn't a bad idea.
Until now I can't figure out why batch processing stop, the solution is not more complicated than:
error_list = []
for pdffile in todolist:
# if an error occurs
print("Dear user those PDF causes some issues:")
for pdffile in errorlist:
The following link:
contains 50 PDFs that bugs and I wonder if you could fix those bugs and make batch processing never stop. In other words, the action wizard should skip all pop-up messages and avoid crashes. In the end, it can report those buggy PDFs that it previously skipped, because it's so annoying when you ran the wizard and came back after 4 hours expecting that it's over but it surprises you with a "click ok to continue"