Allow "Create PDF" in MS Word Add-in/Plug-in to open "save dialog box" for the "pdf", in the same folder as the source document file (docx)
OK, so when you click "create pdf" in the Adobe DC Pro MS Word add in, a pop up save dialog box opens. The file name for the "new pdf" is shown the same as the source document filename (in this case a blah.docx file).
I want the folder location for the new pdf (blah.pdf) that is being created from the source blah.docx file to be the same. i.e. I want to save the blah.pdf file in the same folder as the blah.docx file.
At the moment, it only opens the save dialog box to the last folder location a pdf was created into.
The filenames match, but you are prompting to save the document in a random folder. Why can't you give us an option in preferences to allow the create pdf function to save to the same folder as the source file it is being made from?
I would like to make this request for ALL of the Acrobat /MS Office plug ins.
At the moment, we have multiple projects with several layers of folder structures. Going out and in to the right folder can take anywhere up to 15 clicks. (This is a big pain).
Thanks for your time, it will help me a lot and save me a HUUUUGE amount of time if this could be implemented.