Acrobat Pro won't open
I have used Acrobat Pro for years without a problem. I am using version 9 on a Mac running 10.13.6.
I used CleanMyMac yesterday to clean out some files and after restart Acrobat Pro won't open. The first thing that happens is that I get a message saying that Acrobat Pro wants to make changes and I need to put in my password. I do that and then Pro crashes. If I don't put in my password, I get a second error message that says Authentication Failed. I've attached screenshots of both.
I assume I deleted something I shouldn't have. The only thing I remember deleting associated with Pro were the different language files and maybe the cache.
What can I do to get Pro to work again?

Anonymous commented
I got a new computer recently and managed to get my CS6 programs and acrobat X pro installed. It was working. Yesterday I couldn't open acrobat. No messages at all, nothing. I don't know what to do yet. Anyone have any ideas. I wondered about downloading it again but I don't even see it. They gave me creative cloud yesterday too and it's not in the list or programs I have. They seem to want me to try the new version. I have windows 10.