Missing text after editing multiple page file in AA Pro 11 v.11.0.07
I create PDF room plans from Design 2020. I have been doing this for years with no major issues. I often edit the PDF's to replace pages that have to changed due to client product changes. I also edit existing notes and add notes into the PDF, again with no major issues for years. Today I had to create a new page 2 for a set of plans. The page was successfully created with all text and images as they should be. I replaced page 2 in the plan set and then added additional notes on that page. I highlighted and copied each text added and pasted onto page 1 as well. When I pasted, some of the letters were missing from each one ( had a space where the letter should be.) I replaced the missing letters and saved under a new name. At that time, I realized that text was missing from every page of the document, including those not edited. I have tried to recreate the issue a three times with other files. The first two times, everything was fine. The third time the first text I added, when copied for an additional page, pasted in the font size set in the text selections window even though the original text had different selections, which I believe is what should happen. The second set I highlighted, copied and pasted appeared in the font size of the original text (larger and bold) but the selections window had not been changed from the first copy and past scenario, so I believe the second copy and paste was buggy, just not same bug as the missing text. I have attached the original plan set PDF, the page 2 corrected single file, and the final file with page 2 replaced with the new page 2. The text added after replacing page 2 are the notes about cabinetry and countertop on page 2, which was then copied one at a time to page 1.