User option to changing highlight color and brightness of "Find" (Ctrl F)
The ability for the user to change the color and brightness of the highlight when using "Find" (Ctrl F) is needed.
In many companies, Adobe Acrobat is used to view and edit thousands of different styles of documents. In many cases, multiple colors are used in each document. These documents can have thousands of pages. The most convenient way to search for particular information is to use the "Find" (Ctrl F) tool. The highlight color that is currently used can easily blend in with the surrounding colors of the documents, making it difficult to locate the highlighted search criteria. If the color and brightness of the highlight was able to be changed by the user, they would be able to manipulate the color and brightness of the highlight to better suit their needs. This would make your product more appealing and convenient to use.

John Strauch commented
TOTALLY Agree with Michael Page!!!