On the admin console, I would like the administrator to be able to resend a verification and password reset email to the users.
On the admin console, I would like the administrator to be able to resend a verification and password reset email to the users.

joseph.haygood@owatonnautilities.com commented
Please do this, it is still an issue
Daniel Blumentritt commented
Pretty sad how they haven't done this 5 years later. This is a really simple and basic feature to have in the Admin Web GUI
TP commented
YES!!! We've ran into issues where we aren't receiving email invites. Adobe says they're going out, networking says they're not coming in. Being able to resend would be great, just to a) make sure the user didn't do something wrong b)be able to have to networking team run a trace right then and there.
Adrian Clarke commented
We had a problem where gmail accounts were rejecting mails coming from unverified accounts, so mails were not getting to our people on time, or at all. I then had to remove the product from the person and reapply it. WASTE OF TIME. Please give us a resend button!
Mike commented
Running into email delivery issues - emails are not hitting our Microsoft server, nevermind the user. Resend button would be very handy instead of deleting a user and recreating.
Can't believe its this many years later and still no one in Adobe has implemented this.Bearing in mind the price of your products (and increases), this is very poor
Anonymous commented
The ability to resend the invite email was available in the previous Admin console but, for some reason, has been eliminated from the current Admin console. Bad move Adobe. Please put it back as an ability for an account Administrator.
Handy Andy commented
Hi @Anonymous where are you seeing this option? I'm not seeing it.
When I:
(1) log in to our business' Adobe tenant at https://adminconsole.adobe.com/ and
(2) click on any of our Adobe products to view existing licence allocation (eg. Acrobat Standard DC)
(3) Select a user that I wish to resend a Welcome/Verification email to ...
There are only 2 options available to me; "Add Licences" and "Remove User" -
Anonymous commented
This is an option already.
Handy Andy commented
ABSOLUTELY. I came here to post exactly this suggestion after getting frustrated with having to delete-then-restore multiple User accounts during a PC upgrade project.
Adobe, please add an option to resend the Welcome/Verification email.
Many thanks.
Evan D. commented
I feel this is a basic necessity for an administrator and I was surprised it wasn't already an option.