Adding an upgrade-able title based on the .pdf saved title
To Whom it may concern for future developments,
In many cases .pdfs being saved have to be changed manually from #.pdf or untitled.pdf to a specific sometimes longer saved document names.
Thus far there isn't a way to insert the existing title into a header or footer and have it upgrade automatically (or copied into the header or footer upon printing or opening and saving or transferring). It would safe countless hours having to manually changing the title. I have 1500-2500+ pages I have to upgrade at least twice when changing the titles of the saved .pdf documents. This is multiplied when having to manually change the document name within the saved .pdf. Manually changing these are extremely time consuming, but still quicker than having to print, change, scan, and save.
Another alternative to correcting the titles manually are to have the title be a printable link (containing only the title within the folder), which can be movably positioned and have easy editable functions such as highlighting or color options (other than blue) which like to the title page. Having the ability to turn off a link without any action would allow for this also (properly labeled).
Having the ability to add other links or multi-links to other file names would also greatly assist the in reducing manual manipulation of one or multiple documents needing to be changed within a single or multiple document change.
Also having the ability to access properties through multiple means would be nice with Adobe. I've worked with AutoCAD for over 20 years and find the multiple avenues to access specific items or to cycle through using the mouse or deselect to be wonderful and time saving advantages missing from adobe tools. Maybe it is just me being too familiar to AutoCAD which shies me away from using Adobe as much.
All ideas are free to use or develop further without recognition or compensation. If these features or similar features are produced, please notify me so that I can use them.
Thank you,
Liberty Grayson