Digital signatures - Alternatives to Intesi Group
You really should offer a new "feature" - alternatives to Intesi Group. (As far as I know Intesi Group is your and our only option.)
At first I was very happy to learn that Adobe Sign was included in my existing Adobe subscription and that I should by able to send documents for signing with digital id (BankID in my case). As far as I have manage to figure out, I need to get a subscription with Intesi Group to be able to send documents to clients for them to sign with their digitla signature/BankID.
However, the subsciption price is € 99 a month and the tranasaction fees are almost twice as high as similar service providers. Other service providers offer ditigtal signing solutions with no subscription fees and lower transactions fees.
Moreover, such service providers offer complete solutions for sending, archiving, etc. Intesi Group only offers the integration between Adobe og the digial signature service provider.
I would very much like to use the features, integrations and possibilities that Adboe Sign offers, including upgrading to the standalone Adobe Sign small business subscription, but Intesi's pricing makes this a no go. Thus, Intesi's pricing leads to depreciation of Adobe Sign.
Please offer alternatives to Intesi Group, or have them change their pricing, so that we can enjoy the full possibilities of Adobe Sign. A yearly subscription fee of € 1188 is way to high for users who will use the digital signing feature from time to time.